14 days

Word of the Day: harry A note about the weather: It's been ridiculously hot and humid here for the past week or more. But not only has it been hot and humid, it's been cloudy as well. I don't mind clouds, but every time I looked outside, I wanted it to be cold so badly. Clouds mean humid unless it's cold, and it was depressing me so much. I was in a bad mood all weekend and the beginning of the week because of the weather. It just pissed me off. I mean, seriously, it's freakin December, even here in south Texas, you stupid atmosphere, so get cold already! Thankfully, a front moved through last night, so it'll be in the 60's during the day and in the 40's at night, which is fine for me. At least now it's cold and cloudy instead of humid in general, cloudy or not. I didn't really think the weather affected me this much, but I suppose I let it get to me after a while. It's just that I'm really impatient for our few weeks of winter every year, and I'm so tired of being saturated all the time.
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we're in the middle of a snowstorm!
i am so jealous.

it is nine degrees here.