the learned women meet tonight

Word of the Day: abstruse Tomorrow night we're flying for Ireland. 8-11 April - Inishbofin, Ireland 12-13 April - Brussels, Belgium 14 April - Berlin, Germany 15 April - Krakow, Poland 16 April - Prague, Czech Republic 17 April - Munich, Germany 18 April, evening - Due Santi, Rome. My gosh, I never thought this day would come.
Read 12 comments
ooh that sounds exciting. :)
wow what a busy girl you are!lol im, here stuck in the same place I call home =.(
lung may yer coal reek. (an irish new years blessing) long may your coal burn in the fireplace, symbolizing life.- frenchified
wow... busy girl!
just thought i'd stop in to say hello since it's been awhile.
hope you have a great time.
Ciao Bella ;)
Ich komme zu fuB zur Schule....hehe...just ignore this, it was for my own crazy pleasure of typing german....yeah...I should be more out and about like you. TaTa
cute smiley at the top
=-o! Happy 1-year sit anniversary.
Happy 1 year!
hey!! its your sD anniversary!!! congrats!!!


scott and sarah
=-o! Ashley's in Berlin today!
oh man!

have fun! and take a TON of pictures!

we better get to see them!
im going to melt the seats in every single place!!!