uncharacteristic of me, but...

Word of the Day: coterie So they made my schedule all gay. I worked Friday night, which was fine and all. Surprisingly things ran rather smoothly. I had this horrible feeling that I was going to get the couple from hell, that one couple who wasn't happy with any of the rooms that we had left, who was already a little buzzed, who was angry and stubborn, who would bring my stress level so high that I was going to start hyperventilating and wind up fainting in front of them. But it wasn't bad at all, we didn't have anyone from hell, really, and there weren't any huge disasters. The big party started off around nine or so, but when I got there at three people were already checking in and it was madness. And I had to work with Nicole. Poo. But we were too busy to have much down time so I didn't have to talk to her. Any road, the rest of the gayness of my schedule is that I worked yesterday morning by myself. It was so so boring, and I read about fifty pages of my What To Expect the First Year during the day. And finally, I don't work until Thursday morning [though the bright part of this is that I work with Vineta, and that's going to be really nice]. I'm mostly a positive, optimistic person. But I also seem to think of the worst possible scenario when things go/can go badly. Case in point: the situation at the hotel. We could not get our scores up by March and lose our flag. If we lose our flag, it's very doubtful that Mr. Hsu will keep this specific hotel [because of the new Hilton he just opened in Houston], which has already cost him a whole lot of money. And so, since no other franchise will want to buy a hotel this big and in the shape it's in, we'll all lose our jobs. This will happen probably around the middle of March, right before we have our baby. Of course, no one's going to hire someone who's nine months pregnant to work for two weeks before birth, so that's a check we'll be missing then. So then I'll be a new mother and unemployed, poor, and completely clueless. And I'm scared. Any road, this whole thing about complaining about how gay my schedule is is just me hoping that the new guest services manager gives me the hours I need and works me the five days a week I'm used to and that this week's schedule was just because of the adjustments and things because we're not at all busy. Our joint resolution for the new year , JD's and mine, is to spend less money. We're going to write down what we spend, keep records, be really thrifty this month and see how much we have saved. I've just recently realized how much money we don't have at all and how much we really need. We need money for school, we need money for Baby, we need money for a car for me, we need money to move out and all that entails. I work at the Holiday Inn [for now] and JD works for Hobby Lobby. We're paid the same $6.25 an hour. When I look at where we are financially, I dispair. I'm a strong person, my husband's a strong person, and we love each other very deeply and very well, which is so wonderful. We're strong for ourselves and for each other, and I know that we're going to make it through whatever comes between our family and success. But what I can't see, what I don't know, is how we're going to do that. JD said last night, 'If we were just handed $3,000, that would be perfect. That would be great.' And it would be, it would be such a great help. But that's not going to happen, we've got to do it ourselves. Somehow.
Read 12 comments
worrying about money is really scary. you guys will pull through though. i'll be hoping for you that the holiday inn keeps its flag and you keep your job.

keep your chin up babe, you and jd will be great parents regardless of how much money you have. even if things are tight for a while, you will make it.
Hey Ashley, hope every thing works out for you. Your a strong person and I know you and JD will find a way through every thing.
I'm sure you will get through it. You are a strong person, and with the support of someone who loves you, you can be a wonderful mother and manage your financial situation.

I'm scared about being a mother. I don't think I'm going to make a good mother. No matter how many times people tell me otherwise.
Yeah, I realized as I was doing it that it was pretty lame (but dedicated), but then I realized that I didnt have anything better to do.
I don't know you, but I wish you the best of luck!
I pray for you every day. I don't know that I can offer a whole lot more than that, but hang in there; you'll do fine.

~Aaron Linderman
hey! cool diary!!
why thank you!!
I hope yo have a grat day/night to!!
get jobs at a hospital. Up here [I don't know about TX} hospitals are great places to get jobs. Great pay and great benefits. You can work in the cafeteria and still get $9/hr. I get $14 base pay.
my ipod is pink. :)
its against the law to pay that low in california.

its most likely just the cost of living. the lowest jobs (excluding fast food hell) are around $8. is texas cheap? is rent cheap or are you just getting supremely shafted?

hopefully you wont have to find a new job butif you do maybe you could look into office jobs part-time.

i hope everything works out well for you.

more preggo pics!
Yeah, I think at the end of the day we will both be good mothers. Or at least I hope to think so with me. You seem really responsible and organised... I'm so all over the place.