seceret asian man

Right. It's the second day of class, and I'm already annoyed at one of my roommates and stressed so much that I'm popping Wint-O-Green Lifesavers. Not cool. We went fabric shopping last night, .75 of the quad. No sewing necessary. We made a little drapey thing and covers for the table and ledge and a billowey thing for over the sink. It looks hot in herre, and we are now in contnetion for Hippest Quad. It's great, though, because none of the fabric matches. Kim bought some butterfly/flower/cutie sheer fabric to billow over the sink. Kate bought a white fabric with assorted polka dots and a very very busy greeney/purpley fabric for the table and the ledge. I bought sheer white fabric with little gold and silver stars to make the drapey thing and some really beautiful blue fabric with darker blue scenes (like fishing or a picnic or a little boy running). It's very old-fashioned and I didn't think we were going to be able to use it, but Kate thought of a way. She draped it over my camping chair all pretty-like. It looks hilarious when I walk in, though, because nothing matches at all. It's pretty funny, all mismatches and such. I'm going to like Trad this semester. For some reason, even though I have a boyfriend who I love with all my heart and would never think of losing him, there are just some boys that I'm obsessed with because I love to look at them. It really is weird. So that's why I should be liking Trad this semester...Alex. My psychology professor recommended that we watch more TV because it makes us aware of psychological tricks advertisers play on us. Okay. Will do.
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Somber is my middle name.

how exciting.

who ever said things need to match.
i used to be a wint-o-green addict myself... those things are good.
mmm... wint-o-green...