
Word of the Day: sequester So Kate, Michelle and I went to Nice for the weekend [just for Saturday]. We took a night train Friday night to Nice and got there around 10 on Saturday morning. We went to the beach [I stole a rock], we went to the Russian Orthodox Cathedrial, we walked around Old Nice, we ate lunch, we shopped, we watched the first half of the England v Ireland rugby game and had tea, and then we left Nice around 8 Saturday evening and got back on campus in time for a shower and Sunday brunch. Wild and crazy, wild and crazy. Tuesday evening, Kate, Caitlin, Kim, Aaron, and I did soup kitchen with the Sisters of Charity. We served food to the homeless women of Rome and helped out the sisters cleaning and other odd things. When Kate and I were done serving we went down to the kitchen, and Aaron had on an apron [inside-out], was chopping up potatoes and humming to himself. It was so cute. After we were done we were waiting in Ottaviano when Ashley and Mektor attack us and ask us to dinner with Mary's parents. Ah yeah, that's what I'm talking about. We walked all around the freakin parliament building and couldn't find the one Mexican food place in Rome. Come to find out, the place closed down three years ago. Sadness. So we ate somewhere and had fun with the parents. That was a freakin long night. And then yesterday we had Art & Arch in Rome, at some piazza by the Forum [I should know the name...]. From there we walked around and went to the Spanish Steps to study/drink tea, and then we met Deacon Michael at Santa Maria Maggorie for his tour he was doing. Aaaaaand then we went to the Trevi Fountain/NAC to meet up with Fr. Mitchell and help him celebrate his 30th birthday in Trastevere. Aaron, Caitlin, and I had to leave early to make it to play practice. Another long night. I wish I didn't have to go to play practice, though, because Kim and Michelle were telling me what happened after we'd left, and it seems that Fr. Mitchell was giving wise advice. I remember when I was a sophomore in high school, I seriously considered being a nun. I know more about it now, especially from being in Rome and UD and being exposed to faithful and good Catholics, and now I think I'm seriously considering it again. Kim's already decided, I think, or at least she's going to be involved somehow in the Sisters of Charity. Michelle's being weird. I don't think I'll ever find someone to marry, someone who thinks like me and is good for me, but I also don't know if sisterhood is right for me. Not only am I in college, which makes life difficult enough, I think I've started discerning.
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=-o! I've been to Nice. Cool place.

I think that it'd be pretty weird if I were a nun, because all of the other nuns would go "whoa hey you're a guy, you shouldnt be a nun at all!"
you don't see yourseld marrying Aaron someday, huh?
don't be a nun. Jesus has enough wives and besides, educated women with an attitude humble and gracious enough to serve as a nun are too far and too few between. besides, no sexual relations....... ever.
I was thinking the same thing about aaron... maybe there's something I don't know. I wouldn't make a decision like that so early, though.
oh yeah.. I got a full ride scholarship to UD the other day in the mail. I thought, "hmmm..go to school with ash! ...?" but sorry, nyu won over. it's nothing personal. :)
wow, you inspire me, I ahvent been out of the U.S. except to Mexico. You are truly lucky to be experiencing such things. I know that after I get my A.A. I will take my savings from my fast food job and travel the world. But for now I can only read about them.