jd-kun and patrick-chan

Word of the Day: specious So JD's and my second wedding anniversary is 4 November. I bought him a brand new office chair because our old one was flat and fraying and Patrick's eating the padding from the seat when we're not looking. It's nice and comfy. You know what we're doing on our anniversary? We're MOVING!!!!! And it's not any move, it's the Move, moving out on our own, without JD's mother, the Move we've been waiting for and dreaming about. JD's been asking me what I wanted for our anniversary, and this evening I told him moving out was enough for me. I am more than satisfied with that as my gift. Of course, now we're going to have to be grown ups and call for our electricity to be turned on, call for our cable and internet to be set up, etc. which sucks because neither of us like or are really good at doing any of this calling and talking to people. We fight about who's turn it is to call Pizza Hut when we want to order pizza. Any road, we've got to buy a few last basic needs [microwave, shower curtain, trash can] in the next week along with packing and calling folks, but I really just want to dance around for a week, especially in front of my mother-in-law. So, I've been married for two years. It feels like these two years have gone by so fast, but there's been a lot of things going on as well. I love JD, absolutely love him. He annoys the hell out of me and I want to poke him in his head sometimes, my heart melts when he tells me he loves me. I don't think I could have chosen a better person to spend my life with. And we make cute babehs. We have another general manager, did I mention that previously? Cong fired Mr. Rolland last week, but Mr. Arnold's been here since the beginning of October. He's a very serious man, very strict and by-the-books. He scares me a little becuase he's this little white haired man who shakes and who speaks softly, but I feel that he carried a big stick somewhere in that suit of his. However, I'm so glad that he's here. Compared to every other GM I've had, he's been the best one aside from Cong himself. He answers questions and his phone, he takes care of business, and he seems to think of everything. He makes me nervous when he's talking to me and asking me questions because, for some reason, he asks me these questions I don't know the answers to but I feel as though I should, even if it's not my department he's asking about. I always feel, since I've been there longer than most of the employees in general, that people ask me things because they assume I know everything. I was surprised Mr. Arnold was asking me these random things. I wondered if he asked Terri [my co-worker in the mornings] as well, or if someone told him about me being there so long, or if I just give off that air. If it's the latter, I wish I could stop because not being able to answer questions makes me feel dumb. It's a thing that goes back to junior high for me, overachieving and things. Any road, the whole point of this paragraph is to say I'm glad Cong gave us Mr. Arnold. Patrick is saying all sorts of things now. He will literally repeat anything someone says, so now I'm having to watch my language [because I use a lot of colorful expressions when I'm angry, and I've been angry a lot lately with work and things] around him. He's going to be a dog for Halloween. He's been playing with his costume, sticking his tongue out and panting and barking. Oh, he's going to have such a good time. He knows pretty much all of his body parts [he loves people's knees, he says 'neeeee' and points at them]. I love him, even when I hate him. I always love him more.
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anniversaries!!! our 2 year is the 5th. Congrats! And good luck with the move! I hate setting the specifics up...and the fees! yulch!
hey you remynber me?
make time for your happy dance.

you deserve it.

a lady at work, her young daughter is going to be a dog for halloween, and is TERRIFIED of the costume.
Reading your entries warms my heart. And WOW, I can't believe it's been two years already. Congratulations! I'd be happy with a move as my gift, judging by what you say, so awesome. You better post pics of doggie Patrick.