ashley, michelle, kate, kim

The network was attacked by some bug, so we won’t have internet access till Tuesday. But I couldn’t wait to write about everything, my big moving day. I had everything packed up and ready to go last night. All we had to do was hop in the truck and drive. I was so itching to go, I couldn’t wait. I was so excited to see all the people I haven’t seen and be at the school I love. I have three roommates, which will be interesting. Well, it’s not at the moment, but it’ll be interesting when everyone gets here and settled and things start happening. At the moment, I’m all by myself, thank goodness. As soon as my parents left (after eating lunch at the local Subway) I started working on unpacking and setting things in place. I can’t stand it when my things are everywhere. I guess that qualifies me as a sort of neat freak, but so be it. I like my things nice and where I can find them. After a few distractions, namely storage retrieval and Target, I got firmly busy making my bed and finding a place for all my things. That’s something I really love to do. I don’t like to clean, but I love to arrange and put things in places. Which, now that I think about it, is rather strange. Needless to say, as I was arranging and such, I was surprised by my Aaron. He came to visit me! I was so happy to see him, happier than most times, just because I didn’t think he was going to come to me today and it was so good. He didn’t stay long, though, but that was all right. I’ll go visit him Tuesday afternoon and meet his roommates and see his apartment. I can’t believe we’re both at college and so close. So I got all my things arranged the way I like them, and I had to find other things to do. Let’s see—I decorated my white bored (we each have our own) very elaborately using plastic beads and hot glue, I put together the TV which, thank goodness, has better reception than at this time last year, I went through every channel and made a list of what we could catch, I made a list of what I have to do tomorrow, I made a couple of copies of my schedule on notecards. I’m at school and I don’t have anything to do! This isn’t how it has been and I’m so confused. Happiness at being back at school. Happiness at the perspective of learning again and being busy. Happiness at living with three wonderful girls who couldn’t be better. Happiness at being so close to my love. Happiness at loving to learn.
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