in a very real way

Word of the Day: sashay I just got the message that my grandmother died this morning. Wow. It really hurts to write that. -addendum- I just talked to my family in Louisiana, and my grandfather told me she died in her sleep and she wasn't complaining about anything last night. Thank God is was painless. --addendum-- Also, apparantly my little nephew Evan [JD's sister's four month old son] is deaf. I've always wanted to learn sign language.
Read 16 comments
Ash- I am so very sorry! There are no am ount of words that can ease the sorrow you must feel! Spend time in the arms of the people who love you, and you will make it through!
i know how it feels to have someone die suddenly. remember the good times u had with her and keep her memory alive. she will always be in your heart.
i'm so sorry ash. sudden deaths are so hard, but i'm glad it was painless. i'm praying for you.
I actually know that if I had a child that was deaf, I would not be upset at all. I minored in Sign language, and I know a lot about deaf culture, and would be proud to be a part of that... I think it would be great for you to learn sign language. I think that it is a very beautiful language! Not to mention there have been scientific studies done, that show if you teach your baby sign language before they can talk, that they will be happier ->
babies, because they can express themselves and what they want, before they can with words! I know some people who have done this, and it was amazing! I plan on teaching my kids sign langauge!
Ashley, you are always in my prayers...

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Aw, sorry to hear about your grandma, and nephew. Living your life deaf sucks.
It's good your grandma died painlessly. =)
I am sorry for your loss, but when I die, I would love to go like that. May she rest in peace.

I have always wanted to learn sign language as well.
Hey ash, i lost my grandfather who i was very close to the week before thanksgiving. i know how hard it can be and how you are feeling. and if i can
be of anyhelp or if you just need someone to listen, im always here.


hope this makes you laugh
I am very sorry. You are a great woman and you make all of us proud. I am sure you are now being watched over and she too is so very proud of you. Ash, we all love you and if we can do anything, if I can do anything... I am just a call away. Love ya, Aaron
I'm prayin for you ash!
-luv, kim
Hey, that sister your talking about, is that Laura? I haven't talked to her in I miss her...if it is, tell her I said Hi and I know she is a strong woman and can take on anything God lays before her. On another note, sorry about your Grandma. My mom called me last week from Texas and told me that my grandma has fluid on her brain and she might not make it but i'm not close with her so i guess it didnt really effect me.
Sooo sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. Our prayers are with you. Call if u need anything, anytime. Mom H.