blown guilt

I’ve noticed recently that anytime there’s a police vehicle anywhere close to where I’m driving, I slow down. Even if I’m going the speed limit, my foot goes lighter on the gas pedal ever so softly without fail. I’m not breaking any law, but I still feel afraid of the police. There’s some sort of something wrong with that. The police are supposed to be protectors of the innocent, generally law-abiding people, but if that’s so then why do I always feel so threatened by them? I always feel guilty. I’m not some sort of traffic criminal, either, nor am I the sort to be sought out by the police. But I still feel rather…guilty. What? I think that since I was a little child, I’ve always tried not to get angry with my father. It’s always felt really wrong. He’s supposed to be mad at me, not the opposite. As I’ve grown older, however, and especially after a year of college, I just don’t care anymore. I’ve got to be treated like an adult by him sooner or later, and it irks me that he doesn’t respect me. I know I’m his daughter, but he can’t control my life anymore. It’s been an overall bad day today, and he made it worse by his idiot, drunken, inconsiderate behavior. And so, I’m angry with my father and I want everyone to know it. Everyone, you’d better listen up: I’m mad at my father and I have been for practically nineteen years. And it probably won’t ever change.
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I loooooaaaaathe coppers. All the ones in my city [well, a LOT of them], when I notice them it's because they are breaking a law themselves!!!
but another thing: I have esp as to when or where they are, so I "feel" them right before I enter a speed trap.

I rock.

i'm mad at my daddy too.

I am the exact same way... I slow down to like 25 when a cop comes around in a 35 zone.. and I was going 34 to begin with. cops scare me to death. I always think they're going to pull me over for some made up reason.. because around here, they've been known to do that.