
Word of the Day: bereft I've never really been one for posting those online survey results, but this is too good not to remember--
Your Inner European is Irish!
Sprited and boisterous! You drink everyone under the table.
I didn't drink everyone under the table, I just drank under the table. I don't know if I like my haircut or not. I do know that I lovelove my glasses. And that I don't want to be back at the hotel on Monday.
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Good luck with going back to work. It will be hard, but I know you can do it because you're such a strong person!

P.S. My inner European is Irish too!!
I'm Irish, too (I really am!!) But I'm fairly certain I can drink 98% of the population of the state of Texas under the table.
i'm a quarter irish. i don't drink everyone under the table either.

post some pics of the new haircut, i wanna see.
I really need some new glasses as well. Particularly sunglasses, because really, I love the regular glasses that I already have.
AHEM...picture??? you can't talk about your hair and glasses and leave us all to use our imagination! I have no room for imagination right now!
ps that's hilarious (the irish thing)
-Kim again
Don't worry about the haircut; YOU don't have to look at it. And I'm sure it looks fine. I came up Irish too (I tried taking it twice, just to be
sure), despite the fact that I am only 1/32 Irish and I doubt I could drink anyone under much of anything.

I hardly ever drink, but I can drink alot, without actually even getting drunk!
I'm Spanish! "Energetic and lively.
You bring the party with you!" That's funny, because I don't think there's any Spanish in my family at all! Oh well, the description fits. Thanks for sharing that with us, it's fun!