now gimme something

Word of the Day: campanologist JD made me feel bad on Saturday, so I cleaned our room, Patrick's room, and our bathroom. And I still felt a little bad after all that. Work has been so boring as of late. And, amazingly, that's all I have to say about that. Patrick decided to roll himself over today. He was on his belly looking around and trying to push himself up, so I put his hands under his elbows to see how far he could go. He let one of his arms go and just rolled right over. JD had told me that he'd rolled over Saturday morning but he was angry and that doesn't really count for me. Well, this was accidental and I helped him along so I don't know if it really counts or what. My mother came by the hotel yesterday and told me that I had to be home today because she had a surprise for me. I thought she cooked something for me, but when I opened the door I found her and my grandad standing there. I freaked out for a little while. I was so happy to see him and so very happy he got to see Patrick. He saw and held him at my grandmother's funeral, but Patrick was awake and smiling and cuuuute for him today. It was beautiful, and it made me quite happy. -addendum- My hair right after it had been cut and my glasses and my babeh. This was about two weeks ago. Apparently like mother like son with the red eye.
Read 15 comments
Thats a really awesome surprise!
That's such an awesome surprise!! Wow! Go mom! hehehehe.....I'm glad Patrick is progressing well - good luck with him, I guess all you can really do is keep feeding him, lol, I SO don't know what to do with babies!

Dear, I just wanted to say thank for being so supportive of me. You don't even know me, would never recognize me walking down the street, but you are so cool to me anyhow. I always look foreward to your comments. Thanks.
ash- i miss your long entries like whoa.

good job to patrick for rolling over. why did jd make you feel bad? he shouldn't, and you shouldn't feel bad.

and that's a great surprise, i love my gpa.
The glasses look cute cute on you. And Patrick is adorable! Look at those chubby cheeks! Mom and I were trying to figure out who he looks more like, and argued about it. Who do you think he looks like? I hope work's going well for ya. And yay for Patrick rolling over! (Even if it was an accident!)
I know you don't, but I kinda like the hair! and I loooove the glasses. -emily
that was the best, most heartwarming surprise ever. your mom must be an incredible lady.

i absolutely love the picture. you are both so cute. it makes me happy.

awwwww so cute.

i like your hair like whoa.
ya'll look cuuuuu-ute!
What a little cutie puhtooti!
i love your baby. he's so cute. lol
I LOVE your glasses!!! :) and yer baybah!
Your baby is ADORABLE.
yeah! beautiful mom and adorable baby!
jd made you feel bad?!?! do I need to come back down there and beat some sense into him???
your hair looks really cute.

write more please, i miss it. :]
i miss your writing too.