awww...he's so adorable !

he looks so much bigger than two months ... he doesn't just look like a baby , but a person with distinct features ... lol.

he's a cutie , all right !


no entries? a new diary? what???

how are you and jd doing as a couple?
everyone- look at the second pic on "these next two weeks" (Jan 7,2004) and compare that "look" to his.
sorry, that was from me again,
I need to stop writting so many of these darn things...
Ken's my dad's name too!!
just read the other comments- see? not the only one who thinks it!
and I agree with Kate-I have seen that look many a times as well...
He's so gorgeous.
Ashley glad to see pictures of cute patrick I have definitely seen that face on you many a times, i am guessing that was not the only pic taken kate
it's amaaaaazing how much he looks like you!
he really is adorable ashley.....I agree about him having your eyes -Cait
Ashely, I know you don't really know me, but I just wanted to tell you that the minute I saw Patrick I said, "He has Ashley's eyes!" So cute - Mallory

he is so freaking adorable. what a cute little face. so serious. :)
the word of the day, "ken", is my dad's name.

just thought you might like to know. :)

Cute kid, but what kind of expression is that? I think it says, "I know who's really in charge here."

Aww, you can really tell which features came from which parent now. :)

get ready ash, young patrick here is going to be a ladies man! hes a cute kid, good luck, and happy almost B-day young Patrick!
He's such a beautiful baby!! Congratulations and good luck with everything!
What a cutie!!!!! Man, in just a short time you sure are going to have your hands full with one active baby!!!

Love ya, Aaron
i think i might've told you this before, but congratulations!
your baby is .. i don't know how to describe him. just perfect.
congratulations =)

oh my goodnessss. that is the most beautiful baby i have ever seen!


I have GOT to get me one of those!! He's so cute! You are a lucky lady!
he looks SO much older then 2 months! What a cutie! I WANT A BABY DAMNIT!