rest and remembery

Word of the Day: junket Thanksgiving was good. For some reason the whole weekend centered around food. We had tamales for dinner Wednesday night, bacon and eggs in the morning on Thursday and fried turkey, eggplant dressing, green beans, and cranberry sauce for dinner, omlettes in the morning on Friday and chicken wings for lunch, burritos in the morning on Saturday and steak and sausage for dinner. Man, it was gooooood. I also watched more movies this long weekend than I think I have all semester. I saw 'Run of the Arrow', 'Scent of a Woman', 'The Bounty', 'Little Miss Marker', 'Born Free', 'Bringing Up Baby', 'A Bridge Too Far', 'The Shawshank Redemption', and 'Apollo 13'. I love AMC and TCM. We went shopping Friday and my parents bought me a digital camera. It's teeny-tiny and I like it lots. ____________________________________________________________________ 30 November 2000 This morning I locked my keys in the house. All day long I got teased by everyone. This evening I went to the Community Chrismas Concert (there were handbells!). I turned the tree in my room on and the lights are blinking! Yay! Any road, I'm going to Ganado tomorrow with Aaron. We're seeing 'Pay It Forward' (again, for me). I don't know why, but I'm excited. I'm so ready for it to be tomorrow, 6:30. It feels so strange throwing myself into something and not knowing what's going to happen. But it feels right. Aaron is an absolutely wonderful guy (poor Franny lost him...darn!) and he's so sweet and considerate. I actually call him. This is the first guy I've ever liked who I've called myself just because I want to talk to him or hear his voice. I'll have to remember to tell him that tomorrow. This is also the first guy I've ever told my feelings to. I'm a very complicated perosn and I don't expect him to understand, but he'll sit there and listen and ask questions making me think of why I feel or think a certain way. I think he's what I've been looking for-someone who helps me become emotionally confident in myself and who shares in my feelings. He's done a good job so far. It's late (not really--it's 9:52) and my words and letters are getting confused, so I'll retire my pencil now. Night! Love, Ashley :) _____________________________________________________________________ My God, three years and nothing's changed. ____________________________________________________________________
Oh yeah, this is me taken by Kim with my new cam-er-ah. Yeah.
Read 10 comments
I take it this wasn't camping as in tents and campfire??

If it was, your family members are conesseurs of campfire cooking.
thats so cool to see what you wrote 3 years ago!! have you been with him for 3 years!?! I love your diary!
[confuzzed]...too lazy to sign in
Yeah, you can call me Pat, as long as you nix the SNL allusions (you know what I mean) Thanks for the psychoanalysis, I guess you're right. I dunno. I think it's closer to I want to keep the whole...whatever, going on. I guess that since it's the first time I've ever been in this situation that I...argh. I don't know. Hopefully I'll figure it out sooner or later.
~Patrick (or Pat [Note:That's what Amy calls me])
I didn't! go shopping friday, that is
thanks for the comment. yeah, fraggle rock... ROCKS. hahaha.

hehehe cute picssss!
in the hot new jacket!
hey i hada great thanksgiving thanks for asking. So whats been up w/ you?
I love looking back on old journal entries.
I totally just realized that that is your hottie jacket which you are wearing in the picture there.