getting ready

Word of the Day: rarefied I spent most of the day yesterday with Aaron. It was wonderful.
Me and Aaron. It's a bad picture of the both of us.
I'm wearing Aaron's huge sunglasses, making fun of how he looks in them. I had just said, 'Hey, this is what you look like when you're driving, except you don't look like me and you don't have all of my hair.' I stayed at his place for seven hours, and when I came back home Nicole and Kate stopped me and made me go with them to help Nicole pack. The we went to Braum's again, a whole lot of us. It's was very much fun. I took my camera, of course, and here are some sample pictures.
Garry, Ben, and Alan, and someone behind Garry.
Aaron, Luli, Caitlin, and Mary enjoying some good conversation.
Nicole, me, and Kim. We were playing with the camera settings and found black and white. Coolio!
Beautiful beautiful Nicole.
This isn't at Braum's, but this is Kim using my computer. It's pretty funny because she's always on my computer when I get home, playing with her website. Today was filled with packing, me packing, Kate packing. We all sort of just helped Kate till she left. It's so sad now that we're nearly packed and telling people goodbye. We're trying to get a group of people to go to dinner, but it's not working so well. I'm hungry.
Read 26 comments
In response to your note, i'm answering you mecanically, as opposed to in person, wich i guess you say organicaly, so, here ya go!
Fall, 1999 I went to oxford for a sester to study abroad. In short, it was the coolest time ever in my life. While i was there I visited Italy, Rome, florence, and the beautiful city of Venice. Gelati is now my fav ice cream because of that trip. Heck all the food was delish! But you already know that, dont ya?! ;)
i think it is a cute picture of you two.
aw you guys are cute.

*heart heart*
Note to Nicole: Step AWAY from the camera. LoL

I can totally sympathize with the black-and-white picture. When my sister realized that our video camera has black-and-white, that's all we used for almost two months. LoL :oD Fun AND artistic.

Pees. ~*Kristina
Nice pics ;)
PS. I'm adding you to my friends list.

I'm looking forward to seeing the pics and hearing about your trip & Italy.


yeah, i was thinking the same thing. you and aaron look good in that picture. it's like you guys are peaceful and happy. =)
i think that picture of u n aaron is actually pretty cute.
and he looks completely different in the picture with all the other girls!
Someone as obviously busy as you should not even THINK of wasting time on Potter books. Also, I used to have the impression that your ENTIRE life was STUDY, STUDY, STUDY. I'm glad to see you have an active social life, AND A BOYFRIEND. This is good, so very good.
haha, yea im sure we'll always be best friends. :). jonny boy.
I think that's a great picture of both of you, especially you. you are so cute!

come read. exciting news awaits you.
i have a dell too!!! laptop.. but mine is silver... anyways your pictures are so cute! dont be done! i love your comments.. yeah i never actually looked before i got one, never really knew anything about them hehe... oo i like scott's new design :o)
Elizabeth Kasten was my big sister at my old school, so she and I are pretty tight. But again, she'd know me as Megan Sanders. Heh.
aww you cutie
oh, and the essential part which i forgot to type was that we were of course there for the same one-week period of time.

yeah, your july 4 move-in story reminds me of the fact that before Paul and I met, we both went to Minnesota for the first time, and we were staying in towns about an hour apart. I looked at the map one day to see where the two towns were, and I said to him "Paul, we were only about an inch and half apart from eachother." (on the map)

We still laugh about that today.
aww you guys are sooooo cute! awesome pictures. =)
awwww what does aaron do? does he live near your school? how old is he?

haha come on the 411 you know.. hehe

i love the idea about postcards...

im sure he wont forget you!!!!!
i also applied to james madison university, in virginia, and i was accepted at Towson Univ outside baltimore, and i applied to NC state... i am from alabama but have lived in jersey for the past 7 years.... and hmm i think thats like my life story :o) hahha not really butttt... close to it hehe :o)
oh no i am very open, i just forget to mention things! hehe im a bit forgetfulness, if you saw my 10 reasons not to date me, i have short term memory loss hehe.. thank you thank you :o)

i went to eastern university, on the mainline of philly (where all the rich people of the city live) and i am now finished there.. i'm going to italy in transition and i HOPE i get into the University of North Carolina - chapel hill, for next fall

i just realized .....

i am officially a junior

too bad i'll be in college for the rest of my life since i am transferring. hehe.. yeah i'm a semester ahead :o)

oh i meant to ask - is aaron going to italy as well?
yeah thatd be cool, i dunno where were playing next, but were always somewhere in the area
that is totally NOT a bad picture of your guys, you two look so adorable, I love those relaxed, semi-candid snapshots. Those are the favourites of me and paul, anyway.
goood im glad you had a wonderful day - are the roommates going to roma too? ooo - theres a NEW dirty dancing?!?! i just saw a commercial for it... WHAT! thats sooo wierd... im not sure you can make a sequel to that???

hehe its so wierd to know whats going on in the world now....