waiting with bated breath

Word of the Day: palaver JD's mother left on Saturday for Houston. She had an appointment on Monday with some world famous heart doctor or something to see what he can do for her. They set her surgery date for tomorrow starting at five-thirty in the morning and is expect to last around six hours. We don't know what exactly is being done because she really hasn't called us to tell us anything. She's been calling Laura and letting her know things, but not JD. I wonder if she thinks we don't care or if she's more comfortable talking with her daughter that she off and on hates rather than her son who's always helped her out when he could, but it's really annoying. We have no idea what's going on, we don't know about her money situation, we don't know if bills are paid or not, we don't know any of it, other than the surgery's tomorrow morning. It's really frustrating. I asked JD how he was feeling, and I think he might have lied to me. He told me he was fine, but he's been getting these headaches and he's been feeling really badly physically. After my grandmother died last year, I remember I woke up twice in the night with chest pains, some so bad I thought I was having a heart attack and was about to die. I haven't had these things happen since then, so I've always attributed it to stress from Patrick being born and my grandmother dying. I'm thinking these headaches and things are stress for JD. We'll see what happens tomorrow, thought. It's all still up in the air. This is supposed to be a hard and dangerous operation she's having, so I suppose it'll test how good this doctor is. Before she left, she didn't buy any groceries, not even a few things. So I've taken it upon myself to--gasp--start cooking. And what I've done has so far been not fatal to JD, Patrick, or myself. JD said that the dinner I made tonight [basil and rosemary pork, green beans and mushrooms, and pasta in butter and garlic sauce] was the best dinner anyone has ever made him. I have to admit, I'm really shocked with myself. I made a grocery list today and we're going shopping for real tomorrow [and by for real I mean for more than just one meal]. With JD's mom gone, I feel like I have much more freedom in the house. I cleaned out the refrigerator this afternoon because I don't think she ever does and I went through the spice cabinet. It's insane in there, what she has, but she never cooks with any of it. She barely uses salt and pepper. Now, how hard is it to take a pinch of something and throw it in a pan? If I can do it, it's not that hard. That's all for now. I know I promised pictures of Patrick with his mohawk, but things just started happening with JD's mom and everything, so most everything else got shunted to the side. Things will change drastically in the next twenty-four to fourty-eight hours.
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I love finding out I know how to make a good meal! Finding TIME to do that is my problem!
i hope everything goes well.
I too have recently taken up grocery shopping. I doubt either of my roommates know much about cooking. Anyhow, I pull out the recipe books and try
to find sales and coupons and things for the stuff I need. It never quite works out but we are getting there. Oh, and I have to take the bus to the
to find sales and coupons and things for the stuff I need. It never quite works out but we are getting there. Oh, and I have to take the bus to the
store because I have no car and there are none in walking distance. It is an adventure, to be sure.

Im allowed to vent to Scott however the fuck I want to. I dont need a little bitch in my face about. Mind your own business cunt.
Hey Ash. I hope everything worked out okay.
And that dinner sounded FANtastic. I love cooking! It's fun.