change of address part II

Word of the Day: sciential We're moving in officially on Saturday. We're moving stuff in the apartment tonight. Well, I'm not because I have to work, but JD and his mom are. I'm pretty excited about the move. I just hope hope hope it doesn't rain anytime before we're actually moved all in because rain + cardboard + moving = nastiness. For some reason unexplainable to me, Velma has been putting me on the schedule in the afternoons. I asked for Saturday off because we're moving, but hopefully she'll give me Friday through Sunday off to recouperate. Well, I really want Friday night off because I want to go to Homecoming and see Michelle direct at her last Homecoming game, but Velma doesn't know that. However, since I'm working this afternoon/evening, I won't be able to work tomorrow morning, so I'll probably be working tomorrow afternoon/evening. Hmmmmm...this means there might be some switching or something going on maybe, hopefully, fingers crossed. I talked to the girls last week. I really really miss them. I miss being in Irving and being silly and studying. I miss the environment, I miss learning, I miss being with the people who are so much like myself. When JD went to school for the first time last week, I almost didn't know what to do. I knew UD wasn't starting till that Wednesday, but he was there, he was learning, he was in the environment I dearly love so much. I suppose I'm jealous of him, of the girls. I'm trying to read Le Morte d'Arthur, and after that I want to start on my Lit Trad books, starting with the Iliad. Man, I really am a dork. On the baby front, all is well. I'm still like, 'I can't do this' every once in a while because, you know, I can't even take care of myself. I've got to take care of a screaming bundle of love and sleeplessness in a short paltry few months. Jesus Christ, I can't do this. It's impossible. But, it's really not. I'll be fine, we'll be fine, the baby will be fine. I'm going to go eat some Twizzlers before I get ready to go to work.
Read 6 comments
are things better with your parents? i have a zillion nosy questions that i'll keep to myself. you should just keep updating and indirectly answer them. thank you.

im still hoping for the best for you. are you two living alone or with his mom? oops, theres another question. :]
hey! you know i do think about you sometimes and i admire your courage.

BUT i totally know what you mean. did you read A Thousand Acres by ...
Jane Smiley? I am reading that now. also, I'm reading the constitution and some law stuff, maybe i want to be a lawyer. haha, no way, i want
to graduate college. i should have logged in. talk to me or email me if you get a chance,

I knew the word of the day again!

Off days are nice. I just had labor day weekend off of school. Now I have free periods in school, so it's more relaxed and stuff.
THIS IS FOR KATE:i love your diary, youre my inspiration,but now youve made it friends only!please can u revert it back to public?i'm not a member!!!!