what to do

I saw all five of them today in the span of two hours. Eeeee!! So I did my evil paper on Burke Sunday and yesterday. I think it was a little better than my Kant paper, but we'll see about that. And now that I'm done with that, I don't know what to do with myself. I don't have homework for the forseeable future. All I have are classes, and I want to go see Aaron and his balcony sometimes. I don't know myself, I don't know what's going on with us, I don't know what's going at school. Kim's mom went into labor this morning. ________________________ So great.
Read 8 comments
dude, I've been checking you eric's emotions since I was like 15. Sweet.
stong = strong....
oh yeah and we play around texas
mostly around the dallas area but really anywhere in texas and weve been to a few other places, most the states from here to florida
Yay for the baby-I love newborns! Oh and with the free time, I think you should SLEEP...ya never know when you're gonna be told to write another paper, but I love to write....I probably should not have dropped out...go figure! lol Sorry I ramble
ash - thanks for the comment...i am kinda new at all of this and i have some questions...so can u please im me sometime...TaraBear469
I wish I had a lotof extra time on my hands too. thats always nice, I've been so fricken busy lately. But its better than being bored.