plans are futile

Word of the Day: veritable So now I'm finally twenty-four. For two or three years now, I've been wanting to tell people that I was twenty-four, but now I actually am. I won't have to think about it, do some math, reconsider. So that's nice. When I first heard about the economic stimulous checks, I was going to go straight against the government's advice of spending it all and pay down debt. Then, when we found out we were pregnant, we decided that we'd use most of it to buy furniture and things and use some of it to pay down debt. Now, I really don't know what it's going to. We'll definitely need to get furniture, clothing, etc., for the baby. We'll also need three months worth of rent so that I can take all of the maternity leave that I can, but I'm trying to save monthly for that out of my checks. JD wants to get some work done on the car, which is definitely wise, and we also want to put money towards our debt. Needless to say, that money is being quickly dispersed. I did decide, however, to do something for myself when it comes time to. Probably at the end of the summer, in August or September, I'm going to the Woodhouse and I'm getting the Mother-to-Be package. It's a massage, a facial, and a pedicure. I told JD about it, and he said that I needed a pedicure now and always. I explained to him that they don't just clean, buff, and polish, they soak and scrub and massage and love on your feet. And I'm sure, by the end of the summer, I'm surely going to be in need of all of the aforementioned services, most specially some loving on my poor abused feet. I have a very bad habit of putting myself sort of low on the list of priorties. So this decision is sort of amazing for me to have made. JD always tells me that I should do things for myself, so he really was happy when I told him about my plan last night. Something like this won't become a regular occurance beacuse it's just not that easy to change ones ways, but it'll be something I can look eagerly forward to when I'm six or seven months along.
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update please
For sure. A pedis like mandatory for the pregnant population.
“plans are futile,” is my motto. you’re pregnant again? didn’t you just have your son yesterday? my most emphatic congratulations, dearheart. be well, and may all your babies be perfect. (and teach your husband to give a foot massage. if i had to learn, so should he.) it still amazes me that you're younger than i am. and i’m sorry i missed your birthday. it’s the same as my kid sister’s, but i forget hers too. my best wishes, respect and love.