seeing baby

Word of the Day: whirligig I had a dream last night about Baby that was so so weird. I suppose we had just brought Baby home from the hospital because I remember being really afraid of going to sleep. So we put Baby in the crib, tucked it in, made sure everything was all right, and laid down in bed, waiting for it to cry. I looked at the clock and I remember it saying something like ten or eleven or something, and then I looked at the clock again and it said seven-something, and it was getting light outside. I realized that I'd slept through the night without being awoken by Baby's cries or anything. I jumped out of bed and looked inside the crib, tears coming into my eyes, and saw Baby sleeping peacefully, wrapped up in the blanket just like we'd left it. It had slept through the night along with the two of us, making not so much as a peep. I woke up JD and showed him, and he was speechless. We changed it's diaper [which took time and which I started off doing wrong-I don't remember how, I just remember being wrong], and started our days. I realiezed as the day went by that our baby barely cried for anything, even when it was hungry. I remember being so freaked out becauase all baby would do would lay around and look at things, play with its hands, eat its blanket, and it would never cry over anything, even when I was holding it wrong and its head was lolling around everywhere. I remember thinking, 'There's either something really really wrong about this or I'm just really really lucky.' I didn't sleep long enough to find out. I just saw a commercial for the new Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies' new album, and I had to write a note for JD and stick it to his computer so that I could remember to tell him about it. I want dinner.
Read 12 comments
you describe this dream as if it were a nightmare!
yeah, you are going to be one of those parents whom everyone envies...
I love that song by Jet. My boyfriend sang it to me once and I almost cried. I wasn't paying attention to the lyrics, but it was the first time he ever sang to me :)

I would be scared if I had a baby and it never cried. That sounds like a pretty weird thing to dream about. I guess all dreams are weird if you think about it.
Uncrying babies? Must be a dream.. :)

Thanks for your kind words.

Mike x
i think that's a really interesting dream, but aren't you having a girl?

dreams are crazy. i've had some strange ones lately.
I babysat a newborn today, and I'm getting so excited for your baby's arrival. I'm just tingling!
is that a real baby or just a pet
my daughter never sleeps
ever noticed that jet sounds like the beatles? nothing wrong with that, just saying :-P
thanks! u have a great day too! good luck with your bun in the oven!
maybe your baby will be an easy to warm up baby, and be very pleasant.
I was thinking I should just save my money for u think thats a good idea? yah boys are stupid....grr
When you have your child, it will be so very happy to have such loving parents, it won't have any room within its little heart to cry. I am so positive you will be the very best mother ever, your baby will love you so much. Have a great day Ash, you are a very special person, great things are going to come of you!!! Great things....

Love you Mommy!!
