'no more ussr! go to disney world!'

Word of the Day: incidence I'm totally having an 'I Love the 90's' afternoon. I don't know why I really love these series, but it's all so silly and great. My mom really liked 'I Love the 70's' because, of course, that's when she grew up. So yesterday JD and I cleaned up Baby's room, I put the crib together, we stored everything we wanted to store in the closet, I separated all the clothes that his mother has been getting for us [at this rate Baby will be clothed for the whole first year without JD and I spending anything on clothing] into newborn and no newborn piles. So now it looks like Baby's room instead of our junk room that happened to have a crib in it. I think we decided to keep the couch in the room, but we'll see once we try to put the second dresser in there. That might be one too many big, bulky pieces of furniture in there for my liking. Any road, the crib's so so cute. That's about all we have in there that's cute, but there's still some more months to go yet. Cuteness, here we come!!! So I was supposed to be off yesterday, but apparantly Janet called in sick or something and they called me in to work with DJ. I wouldn't have gone except that I was the only person who was off and I knew it was busy so I would have felt guilty if I would have politely declined the offer. So I went in around four, and I didn't get to say more than a handful of words to DJ until around eight. It was way way busy last night. We really almost oversold and screwed ourselves over, but it wound up all right and I left around nine. So that was a nice little five hours that I was able to work outside of the schedule and every little bit helps, especially since they're cutting back hours at Hobby Lobby. I also had to work this morning, and it was busy. I worked with Samantha, the other new girl, whose first question of me was how I got pregnant and if it was planned or not. Now, I don't know about the rest of the progressive world, but I was taught, or maybe I just naturally have, sensitivity and an ounce or more of modesty still left in me. She went on to explain to me that her and her boyfriend of ten years [whom she's marrying next month] have been trying to have a baby for a long time and asked me if I thought that since they weren't married but were trying so hard for a baby that God was punishing them. I told her that I'd never heard anything so silly in my life. Needless to say, that initially freaked me out, and upon working with her more I discovered that she's a silly girl who doesn't like to answer the phone and isn't so good at multi-tasking [or concentrating for that matter]. Maybe I'm just being hard on her because I've done this for so long that things are second nature for me or maybe her early frankness freaked me out enough to make me unsettled with her, but I don't like it. And I was also told today that Velma is going to be the regular night auditor, which I'm sure will take some of the pressure off of the accounting department knowing that the audit will be done right at least five days out of the week. Also, David is supposed to be coming back, which perturbs me a bit. It just seems to send the wrong message to him--you can screw us over by up and quitting and not really letting anyone know for sure what the hell you're doing, but we'll take you back with no problems. All I can say is that his little senority complex had better be gone. He'd better not be getting every other weekend off like before or else I'm going to have to talk to Jeff about that. That used to make me really mad. Any road, despite all the weirdness going on at the hotel, I'm a little more hopeful that we're going to get our scores up and I'll have a job to take maternity leave from. We have an employee meeting tomorrow afternoon, so I suppose Adrian is going to let us know what our scores are so far and tell us that we suck in general. I've noticed that he doesn't really focus on the positive so much as the we suck aspect of this whole problem, which isn't very motivational. But, overall and in general, I do believe we're getting more friendly comments about service and about the same amount of angry comments about the mattresses being uncomfortable and the roof leaking and the rooms being too small for the price. But I suppose we'll see what happens tomorrow.
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ASH! Believe it or not, I DO think about you when I'm writing BAD THINGS. I think, "Oh no, Ash is going to see this and this is NOT appropriate material for her gentle nature." But, as you see I write it anyway, hoping that you are not only gentle, but all grown up and able to handle crudity and vulgarity. Thank you for being understanding when I VENT as in the entry in question. Maybe you should first peek at my entries from behind your fingers.
Don't you hate it when you're called in to work ON YOUR DAY OFF?!?! I must try to cultivate more MODESTY in myself, Ash, so I don't grow to resemble that new girl you described. New people at work are ALWAYS a pain. You train them & then they leave & then you train more of them & then THEY leave too. It always seems to take about 6 new hires before someone stays. Is that something like your experience where you work? Do you play music for baby?
thanks doll.
it's my name.
so you have a baby?
i just started on this site
and i was wondering where i went
to post the picture like you have
above your name.
well i hope your baby is healthy and beautiful.
and i hope you pick a pretty name for he or she.
thanks so much!
i'm curious how the meeting goes. i hope you can stay there too.

i bet the baby's room is adorable. i can't wait to have a little one to put in onesies and rock to sleep at night. :) in due time of course.
I saw a couple I love the 90's, but they were 91 and 92, which didn't have any sort of sentimental connection to me because I didn't remember anything because I was 1 and 2, respectively.
My friend JUST had a baby! When are you do? Weee babies are fun!