ah me

Listening to: Someday - Nickleback
Word of the Day: risible I think that's my new favorite word of all-time. I just wonder if I can remember it. I put on the wrong shoes to go to mass on Sunday and they gave me blisters on the backs of my heels. They weren't even really blisters but just sores. There's always tiny pieces of thread in the open sore that I can't leave in there. It's so tempting, and it itches so much. There were many philosophical revelations today in psychology, which, of course, were close to my heart. Most of the things I do I do them out of principle, I believe that it's right because that's what I believe. I generally try not to do things because I'm scared of getting in trouble or anything, but I try to follow my ideals and principles. Why does this matter? I don't know. It just struck me as I thought in class. Also, I realized that I have mixed feelings about my hair.
Read 19 comments
I've always wanted to donate to locks of love, but when my hair grows out it gets really damaged... does that matter? Do they ever say "your hair is no good... we can't take it"? This girl in one of my classes donated hers... she had hair past her butt and chopped it up to her chin. Anyway... I'm rambling now.
I know what you mean about Psychology, so im only doing A level which is incredibly basic but still just some of the stuff we talk about gets you thinking.
Risible, im pretty sure that means youd be easy to get a reaction out of. You'll rise to things easily. So someone calls you stupid you might just flip.
haha awesome, it was a good word!

yeah i'm not so familiar with Kohlberg, i havent done him since General Psych... like three semesters ago :o) my favorite is like Alfred Adler and Julian Rotter... and of course Sigmund Freud

i think psychology is so great... if you ever want to read a psych book just for kicks, read Understanding Life by Alfred Adler. its like 100 pages and really easy to read. one of my favorites

the question is....what does it mean though?

i added PICTURES!!!!!!! RAWR
aw, ash, you always know what to say. =D

thank you so much.

thanx 4 the note. I was wondering if you could tell me how to change the colors and stuff like that on my diary since i have no clue how, plus the whole fact that i am incredibly lazy lol thanx again..
ok, yeah the last note was from me...clicked the wrong button!
good song! Sorry to hear about your blisters! it sounds really painful... :-)
LoL I like how you threw in the thing about your hair. I'm having a hair dilemma right now ... I can't decide whether to wear it in braided pigtails or in a ponytail. Any suggestions? :oD

Pees. ~*Kristina
People who think the Matrix is just a movie are WRONG. :) What's wrong with your hair?

Erebus is just jealous because I have a cool car and he doesn't. :P Did you really read that whole entry? I don't think that I even read it all. I'll take you on a ride sometime.
I don't have bangs, and I've been thinking about getting them, but then I think about how long it takes to grow them out when I want to... so I don't know. I'm thinking about dying it again too... like a dark auburn. Hair is fun. I've chopped mine so many times, and I've usually always liked it.
YES! i love my psychology class. its so incredibly interesting sometimes!
Aww that stinks about wearing the wrong shoes to mass and getting sores... see thats why i stick to sneakers as much as possible.. that and i like kill myself whenever i wear shoes haha :)
i bet your hair looks great!
A Mustang is a Mustang to me; it doesn't matter if it runs or not.



RYN: Oh I see :-). Yes there are spelling differences and different phrases in English in the UK and American English.

Maybe you are more likely to do, or not do, something on account of your principles than you would or would not be if you had just been told by someone what to or what not, to do.

I hope you're having a great week :-)
love from

what psych class were you in and what theory regarding the principles?

(sorry, i'm a psych major who is obsessed with psych hehe)

hehe, but, risible, i like that, what does it mean?

i hope i remember it too!!!