only lonely on the inside

Word of the Day: didactic I remember what happened this week last year. I wonder if now, are things better? They may not be. Michelle and Nicole went home yesterday, Kim went home Thursday, and Aaron went home for Homecoming yesterday. He wanted me to go but he didn't want me to be in trouble, so he thought it best for me not to go. Kate went to a Halloween party last night and stayed over, so I had the rooms all to myself last night. I could have gotten all I had to read for Crime and Punishment read, but I watched movies. I have a weekend's worth of no distractions, so I feel justified in watching my favorite movie. Kate asked me yesterday before she left if I wanted to go with her. I said that I didn't. She said she felt bad leaving me all by myself in the rooms. That got me to thinking: do I really like being by myself anymore? At home I'm by myself all the time and I don't mind it a bit. But this summer, with working at the Holiday Inn, with being at Aaron's house every day, I think I might have gotten away from my need to be alone as much as before. I felt myself, as I was going to bed, missing my roommates, wishing they were there, perhaps even feeling a little bit lonely. I still don't really mind it because I know I won't have distractions when I'm working, but I don't seem to value being alone as being a complete necessity in my life anymore. I want to be alone so I can work. There are days when I'm never completely by myself, and I don't mind. Which is absolutely different from a year ago, when all I wanted was to be by myself, without anyone disturbing my peace. But is wanting society better for me than wanting to be by myself? Sometimes I think it is, but sometimes I think it's not.
Read 11 comments
hehe thanks.

oh and to answer you question, to desire socity is to comply with human nature, but to desire solitude is to combat it. nither is wrong.

have a good one, jacob
Everyone wants to be by themselves sometimes. I think it's just natural. But it's not really so much being with company, as the company you keep that's healthy. Your friends sound awesome, though, so you don't have anything to worry about :o)

Pees. ~*Kristina
Thank you for the info! You are so smart!
hmm my thoughts on all that.. maybe you just matured and grew out of your shell? i mean you don't need to be dependent on others, but maybe you are still being yourself, just you changed.. if you WANT to be with other people and don't feel like you're putting on a front.. i wouldn't worry about it. :o) i'm running out of room..
so flummoxed... i like these words i keep learning haha. OHH! so i just found out i can minor in italian, how HOT is that! i'm so excited! anyways... thanks for the comment, i love music. its like my life (but i have no talent, dont get me wrong haha)...

i hope you "find yourself" and figure out your thoughts! ohh wow there is a huge bug.. flying.. i'm gonna go now.. bye byees
lol im not wise im craaaazy.
in the words of albert enstine: "there is a fine line between genus and insanity"
i know what yuo mean about being alone. i like it better when i'm at home versus at school. i don't know why, but it poses a problem when i live in a room of my own : )
hahahahahhaha! you are soooo funny, seriously you are my new hero. but you're so right, that IS hot. what are you gonna be studyin there?

even after having 4 roommates my freshmen year, I was able to savour my alone time.
i hope things are better with you guys this year. relationships are tough sometimes though, hang in there. : )
being alone is like reading poetry. sometimes you need it, and everythings in crystal clear clarity. what sucks is when you are suffocated by it, and it just dosent make sense, and you need something more, but you cant quite figure it out.
Yah, something like that.