the dream

Word of the Day: glogg How appropriate--Christmas alcohol. I've been taking NyQuil before I go to bed to sort of clear up my head from this whatever I have so that I can sleep. Apparently it's muddling up my mind because I've been having weird dreams, most of which happen after I wake up at 4:30am and go back to sleep as I've been doing. A case in point-- I was at Hogwarts, I believe, except the village wasn't Hosgmeade but Stormwind and we were all in France. We were in the wine bar or inn or whathaveyou and I was at a table by myself watching everyone. A boy sits down in front of me who I thought was Mike West when I first woke up but then I thought was Hyde and now I can't even see his face anymore, but apparently I know him and he had the Mike West aura. Any road, so Boy sits down and starts talking and flirting with me and pours some pinot noir for us. After a few glasses, things start to get a bit fuzzy [I think I'm waking up at this point], but I do remember Boy's phone rings. He answers it and it's Rachel Gabrysch crying from the table behind him, saying she can't believe he's coming on to me when he's supposed to be with her. Caitlin is sitting with her and giving us dirty looks, consoling Rachel. Boy leaves me and comes back with another bottle of wine. While he's gone I remember thinking 'Why can't I have a bit of fun? If he wants to liquor me up and talk to me he can,' glaring at the two girls. So he comes back and pours more wine, but I'd somehow lost my glass. He must have known I was going to lose the glass because he brought a handfull of different alcohol glasses. I grabbed one, held it up, and slurred, 'This is not a wine glass. In fact, it's a cognac glass. But I don't care.' I noticed Caitlin was now next to me and Rachel was nowhere to be seen [I think I glanced her running off crying]. Boy pours all of us glass after glass of wine, until finally we start trying to find our way out of Stormwind and back to the school. Boy and I wander through the canals, and then his phone rings again. He looks very grave as he takes the call and tells me he'll see me again. Suddenly there's a scene of the Jangolode Mine exploding and Travis trying to save people. Back to me in Stormwind trying to get myself to the gates and back to Hogwarts, all the while thinking of the evening and Boy and how grand it all was and feeling worried about seeing him again. Then it was the next day, I suppose, and we were all in class in a very spacious and skylit attic. Peggy, who apparently is now a teacher instead of the hotel's sales manager, mentions to me the evening before and how they say how crazy I got with Boy. I just sort of stood there, trying to remember what had happened, but I couldn't. I sat down, and suddenly it was a month later and Boy was back in class, sitting in front of me. He turned round and smiled at me, holding the cognac glass from that evening. The end.
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i once had a dream that i went to hogwarts. i wished that i could stay asleep forever.
ash, your dream was-freaky. not so much b/c of what happened but b/c you could remember in so much detail and with great chronological precision what happened.
THAT, my friend, is not normal.

Oh, I loved the long hair too. but then he cut it to 'impress' my family when he first met them. I'm like-uh, you were dating ME!!
he's growing it out again. I'll put up more pictures eventually! (over the break)
ciao bella!
weirrrrrrrrrd dream.
medicine always does that. it gives me insight into addiction.

hi. be well

Is it a coincidence that yesterday I had a conversation about dreams with some people, and we talked about remembering them, and last night I had a dream that I remembered for the first time in a while?

It involved me stealing a suitcase from someones house that looked exactly like my own, and playing some sort of lazer tag shooter game. With my friend Evan. And some girl. Weird.
hogwarts is from harry potter?

I've never seen it.