
Word of the Day: grisly If anyone would like a free one year subscription to Time magazine, let me know. When I resubscribe for another year, I get a free gift of a subscription for a friend. So, if anyone is interested, please let me know.
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Sorry, first come, first serve! Man, I didn't even think anyone would be interested.

haha, i wont even bother telling you YES PICK ME because i see there is already a riot taking place.
Oh really? that's cool! There's a lot of small cities over here so in 30 minutes you can be in a different city. lol I live in the rio grande valley. and relationship wise, Yeah, it really sucks but that's just how I am.
and i guess i don't get the free subscription? lol :P time magazine is pretty interesting.
Ash, did you get my email? just wanted to make sure.
oooohhhhh i would be interested.
I'm a journalist! I'll take it!
third's the winner in this contest, right?