as sweet as a caramel

Word of the Day: realia Friday night JD felt like Chinese, so we drove to Edna to eat at the Dairy Queen that's now a Chinese place because it's pretty much the only place he likes. Silliness, but that's why I love him. So after we ate we were driving around and happened to drive down Gayle Street near the high school. I'm all like, 'Hey, it's Friday night!, the game's probably away just becuase we're in town.' We drove past the band hall and, magic, there were cars there. There were a whole bunch of cars in front of the old gym for the vollyball game, and there were already people in the stadium and hour before the freakin game started. I was all like, 'People really showed up this early? I mean, really?' Because, of course, I never knew in high school what time the game actually started because I always had to be in the band hall like two hours early. We saw Mr. Hamilton at the entryway to the stadium, so we went to harass him for a little bit. He was selling leftover chicken fried steak plates at the door. He told us that Edna was playing Rice, so Mr. Cummings and his band were going to play, and I sarted freaking out. The perfect game for us to have accidentally stumbled upon. So, after wasting about an hour driving around, we went back to the stadium, sat with Mrs. Hamilton, and watched the game. Ah, memories. But things had changed, of course. The band sucked worse than when I was in high school, there were absolutely no twirlers, there were only three in the colorguard, the mascot sucked, and there was a boy cheerleader. It was really funny watching him trying to dance around and cheer. He didn't even have pompoms. However, there were some things that hadn't changed--the head drum major was beautiful [as always], and we got stomped. I don't even remember, it was like 0-47 or 53, I don't know. It was moe freaking bad. And apparantly everyone in Edna knows we're haivng a baby. JD went up to talk to Clayton's mom and Amanda's parents, and they were all asking about me. Bah. But it was nice to be back in that environment I so dearly loved. I spent most of Saturday with Mommy, looking at pictures and cleaning out my room. That was awesome. I got to spend time with my mother at home without my father bothering me or making me feel unwelcome and uncomfortable since he left Friday afternoon to hunt in New Mexico. But I got to bring back Betty, which JD approves, and my camera, both of whom I dearly missed. Now I have my own computer and my own camera here and I can stop bothering JD and making him change stuff on his precious machine. Any road, Ashley was happy. I'm sorry, is happy. I don't know what's up with this baby, man. I've been fine, no problems other than feeling fatter, and then all of a sudden, yesterday, bam! I don't know what. It might have been just me eating too much rich stuff Satuday with Mommy [namely the two pieces of cake and the twenty-five sauteed shrimp], but I fell apart yesterday. JD and I went to Scholtzsky's for lunch, and I started feeling horrible. I can't even remember the last time I threw up, but I had to and I did. I don't know if it's from what I had the day before [some of which came back up] or if it's the morning sickness starting. I'm afraid to eat anyting today because I hate the feeling of throwing up, that acid that gets stuck in your throat...ugh, that's nasty. Nope, couldn't be bulimic. Any road, JD told the baby to treat me right and be easy on me, it's my first time. So there, baby, listen to your daddy! Humph. It's so sweet, though--JD always kisses my belly and talks to it, he makes sure to say goodnight to it, he'll probably start playing to it or singing to it, whichever one. It couldn't be better.
Read 6 comments
hey, thank you. you rock. and you also (to having a great day)

hey you're having a baby? congradulations! my sister-in-law just had a baby boy. sorry you don't even know me but i wish you good luck!
yuck for morning sickness, but luckily everything else seems to be going alright.
are you having a boy or a girl????????????

im still overly excited.


-sarah (almost)
oh, I miss you so much! Know who this is?
did you get our package? How far along are you now? You got your betty back! (I have the "I want my baby back" song in my head now). How is she? How's the baby? Tell it aunty Kim tells it to behave. I can't wait to see you!
So, you do realize that if I get sucked into this web diary thing, will will be all your fault. I've been so good about homework this semester!
ok, long enough!
JD seems like a real sweetheart.