a glass of see-you-laterade

Word of the Day: tintinnabulation Jeff handed Adrian a glass of see-you-laterade last night. They and some regular guests were at a bar supposedly having some drinks, a little party or whathaveyou, and they all started talking about Jeff and how the service sucks because of his desk, which pissed him off. So he quit. Today, however, I suppose they ironed it out enough for Jeff to unquit because he was at the hotel all afternoon [except when he was at Atzenhoffer buying his car]. Patrick handed my confidence in my motherhood a glass of see-you-laterade this evening. He was playing with his reflection in our full length mirror while I was on our bed with Betty and watching him play. I saw him stand up, holding on to the mirror, and then all of a sudden he fell backwards and the mirror landed on top of him and shattered. Somehow I got him into his room, got all his clothes off of him, wet a washcloth, and stopped the bleeding from the little scratches on his head, the gash on his belly, and cuts on his left foot. I was too panicked to find the bandaids. I knew JD would be home soon, but called him nonetheless, leaving him a breathless message summarizing what happened. Patrick cried for at least twenty minutes while I was cleaning the blood off of him and applying pressure his belly and his foot. By the time JD got home, Patrick was just fine, in his jammies, playing and laughing, but I was still in a state of stupor. I can't believe I let that happen. I knew the mirror was unsteady and dangerous, especially with him pulling up on stuff, and I should have done something when I saw him. I know it's unavoidable, Patrick getting hurt one way or another, but I could have avoided it a little bit longer. I don't know what to think of myself. Although the down feelings I have about preventing the accident are equalled by the good feelings I have of how I took care of the matter. After the initial shock and 'Oh, God, my son's bleeding', I suppose instinct kicked in. Any road, I ate a box of macaroni and cheese and drank some really really bad [as in expired] wine after it all, and I'm done.
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as they say on the streets of akron, ohio, 'you go, mommy.'
You are a fantastic mom - accidents happen. There are going to be LOTS of them over the years, no matter how attentive you are.
It sounds like you handled the situation very well!!
Kids are resilient - they recover quickly.

Take care and buy some non-expired wine!
In my experience, you can do everything right and they're still going to get hurt. You handled it VERY well. This shouldn't hurt your confidence as a mother, it should reinforce it. Lesser women would have frozen and found someone else to handle it. You're so strong Ash, it seems there's nothing you can't handle.
you're a terrible mother. patrick will never forget what happened.

he might even turn to cannibalism as a result.

looking foward to pics ash! hope you have the time tomorrow...
I can give you a myspace tutorial if you need it. What are you having trouble with? I am not a myspace genius, but if there is something you see that I know how to do, ask me.
you look like a girl i know
either from montana
or minnesota
am i close?haha
ash, it could have happened to anyone!
you did a fantastic job. no mother stands over their child 24/7.
you're not a bad mom, every kid gets hurt. my uncle was pushing julia on the swing when she was two, and she went backwards, smacking her head on the cement. and she was fine. kids gotten toughen up somehow. :)
I'm sure you did just fine; frankly, I thought it was kind of a cute story (though I suppose I can only say that because it all turned out
just fine). Little kids are great, aren't they? They just pick up and move on with their lives. Hope all else is well in Victoria.

it's happens to all mothers at one time or another. You are a wonderful mother, ash.
while not exactly parallel, my mother dropped baby-freight all the time. i like to think i turned out just fine.

apparently i was a very sweaty baby.

the fact that you took care of your child without undue panic (some breathelessness and overall dopey feelings are normal for the amount of endorphins released at times like this) and the fact that you are still worried about it is what us sons like to call exceptionally quality mothering.