haha, yea he's a moron anyways. good times. thanks for commenting :). jonny boy.
some people say that this was the nickname orson welles used for his wife's secret entrance :>
wow, who would have imagined that one word could stir up so many notes?
just thought i would also say hi.


ps, really cool diary.

Hi Ash! Thanx for commenting...I love hearing from you. :) Have an awesome night.
Kisses and hugs.
:) lol hey

lol thanks im glad you like it
grr you alwase beat me to welcoming new folks :P
just askin all vet's of sD, do ya know of any way to put your code either in the left or right coulums? much thanks,
yay for the word of the day.
thanks [theshadow]
jonny boy = deadendroad
haha... no you rock so HArd (interesting word usage. haha) :). jonny boy.
i like rosebud toooo.
Just wanted to drop by and say hey!!!

Thanks for the warm Welcome...
yes! i knew it? woot. jonny boy