the moon

Word of the Day: harbinger You know what I'm beginning to hate? Computer games. You know which one in particular? You know. Little Patrick's one month birthday is tomorrow. One month. He's gotten much bigger than when he was born, though I don't know poundage or lengthage apart from when he went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. But he's substantially bigger. I went to the hotel to pick up my uniform this afternoon, and Teresa and Yadida told me that he was indeed bigger than when they last saw him. And he can hold his head up whenever he wants to until he gets tired of it, and he's staying awake longer [though he's not much fun to play with, just to watch], and he still makes really funny faces. I told JD that I can't wait till he finds his feet. That's going to be really cute. Well, actually, it's not that I can't wait, it's just that I'm excited for the event. Other events for which I'm excited: doing anything purposefully [that word just kicked my ass hard], his first creation, hugs, bringing home stuff for me from school, questions about girls and relationships and stuff, achievements. I'm excited to see what he's going to be good at, what skills come naturally to him, what hand he's going to write with, what his voice will sound like, what kind of music and clothing and entertainment he'll like, who he looks like, what he thinks about things. I want to know him. I tell him all the time that I have to kiss him now before he grows up. And I kiss him allllllllll the time.
Read 11 comments
It's an odd coincidence that two of the past few words of the day were this year's senior class "defining words" of their class. Spontaneous, elcectic, and the one I don't remember. Weird.

It's weird to think that someone could turn out so many different ways.
its so crazy to think about such a small little boy asking about GIRLS one day. Wow, what a crazy, beautiful thought. I can't wait for my children to bring home drawings for me either.
wow one month!!! love you... ps be looking in the mail:) -love kate
happy one month birthday patrick.

i bet he's adorable. i'm always kissing my little cousins, i can't imagine how i'll be with my own kids.

how ya feelin? i've been praying for you and your chest pains. hope they are better.
Even though it's a month late, I wanted to congratulate you on the new baby! It must be so exciting.

Also, thank you for the comment. I'm glad I'm not the only one who watched that show. I friggin' sat through the marathon. Daniel Baldwin was sort of gross.

Take care!

my god! its already been a month? it seems like just yesterday that i was reading the entry about his birth!
happy one month birthday patrick!!
Niiice, 300. ^_^
Congrats. =)

Holy crap, it's already been a month since he was born?! Wow, seems like so much shorter.

Yup, I've been doing highschool online for four years now. =) (Not all 8 courses/year mind you. Just like 2-4 courses each year)
My friend's mom told my mom about it, and my mom decided since I was so far ahead in math (I was 10, capable of doing grd 9 math) I might as well start getting my credits early. (cont)
(cont'd) So she put me in there. =)
I love it.

lol, I was thinking of making an FAQ diary. Then in the AIM sitD chat, I asked asked Scott why there was no FAQ for sitD, "Because I've been too lazy to make one"...Or something like that.
So anyway, when I asked later if I could help with anything on sitD, he said since I wanted an FAQ, I should make that.
So weee, FAQ system was semi-made.
Now it needs questions. =P
your mom goes to college
By the way, no, I don't know what game.

And yeah, I realized that today is the worst day ever because it's right in between Pi Day, the Ides of March, and St Patrick's day. Lame. Oh, I gotta wear green.
That all sounds like so much fun! Would it help speed things up if you just picked up one of his feet and brought it up to his face to show him where it was? I hope you are able to take tons of photos or (better yet) videos. They are such a treat for EVERYONE to watch 20 years later.