change of address part IV

Word of the Day: crackerjack So we finally got internet last night. I hatehatehate not having internet. I don't even care about the TV, I care about my internet. A quick update: Work is going unbelieveably well. I've been working with a new girl named Anita who used to be our auditor and now she's back. She's awesome, she's just like me. I can't believe how happy I've been at work lately. If things keep going like this, I think I can make it until they put be back in accounting, which Theresa told me they will do as soon as they get organized enough at the desk. I fear sometimes that'll be never, but I'll wait until I can't anymore. I love living on our own. I don't like looking at my bank account, but I love our place. We actually have furniture in the living room. Some people moved in two townhouses down from us a couple of weeks ago and they had gotten new furniture, so they were going to throw out their other set. JD asked if we could have it since they were throwing it out, and the dude said yes. Holy crap, they're huge and comfy, but they're floral printed granny-type stuff, a couch and a chair. But they're oh-so comfortable. Some dude at work today asked me if I grew up in the midwest. I told him no, I was born in Louisiana and I've lived in Texas for about thirteen years. He said I sounded kind of Canadian. That's so trippy. I knew I had a weird accent for living here so long but not sounding Texan, but no one's ever told me I sounded Canadian. I should tell JD that, his guildies on WoW are mostly from Canada. NaNoWriMo is going well. My book is horrible, I think, but it's getting written. I'm at 16,264, and I'm so tired all the time. Not only am I getting up at five instead of six and it's messing up my sleep pattern, I'm creating and using my brain creatively. Add all that with the move, and it really sucks. But I will do this, I'm not quitting and I will finish. I've put this off for too long to give up. Of course, while I'm writing and I need two hundred more words to make my daily goal, I just want to delete the stupid thing and throw Harold across the room. All I want to do is finish knitting my pracice sweater and watch and read Naruto. At least I have something to look forward to doing come December. Enough for now. Patrick is trying to kill himself and I have dishes to put up. My own dishes!
Read 5 comments
yay dishes and new apt.

hand-me down furniture is totally great and acceptable for new own-apartments, so yay for you scoring that. I am o happy for you three.
congrats times a million. im very happy for your family. goodluck with everything that comes with the independence.

Congrats on the new place and floral comfy couches!!!
It sounds great....
yeah! do you have pictures of the new place?
Flavor of Love, huh? Never quite got into that show! But everyone at work loves it - I just prefer the Hulk!
It was great to hear from you. Glad to hear all is well. I hope Patrick is being safe though....(you mentioned he was trying to kill himself!).

Take Care...