i was on the moon, with steve...i was dead at the time...?

Word of the Day: wildcatter So there's this tax audit that's going on at work. It's gotten pushed back and pushed back. It was supposed to happen in December or something, but they kept giving excuses ['we're getting a new system' or 'we're having problems keeping managers' or 'we're stupid and can't get our shit together']. Any road, Mark and Theresa have been working on it. Come to think of it, I don't really know what exactly they've been doing. All I know is there are papers everywhere and a lot of numbers and forms. They've been trying to get me to help them do stuff. They ask me if I'm busy, or 'Maybe Ashley can help us do this one thing if she's not busy.' Newsflash: I'm always busy, I'm always needed, I'm always harassed by everyone who wants something done. Simon's been back and forth and also asking me to research shit [while I'm at the desk, no less]. However, all I do is throw my hands in the air and shake my head because what else can I do? It's a shame they can't put me in accounting all the time because oh, the things I could to back there. I could help out so much, get so much done if I were uninterrupted. I wish I could wake up one morning and not remember how to work the computer system, or at least not be so spongish with my learning. But, alas, I wake up the same old Ashley. Since JD and I are lame and never go to the movies, we decided to do the Netflix thing. So far we've gotten Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill, and Garden State. I'd seen the Eddie Izzard show before, but it's so freakin funny that I can watch it a million billion times. We have all sorts of movies on our queueueue or queue, so that's exciting. Frack. I was going to write about something else, but I can't remember. Oh yeah. I'm reading The Princess Bride at the moment. It's the first book I've read since I finished the Harry Potter books [which I'll probably read when I'm done]. My brain's going all sorts of ways. I need to keep reading and keep my brain from going soft and being stupid. So, there you have it, I'm going to start reading more. Okay, now I really forgot what else I was going to write about. If it's a choice between cake or death...cake, please!
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netflix does seem like a good idea, but I am too obsessed with owning the movies.
OH WHEW I thought you were gonna pick death.
I've been meaning to join something like netflix, but then I figure I'll just buy the movies that I want to see.

Around here they've also recently put in movie-renting vending machines. It's $1 a night, and after 25 days you can keep it and they stop charging your credit card.
before i read the princess bride book i used to go over to my friends house [in elementary school] at least once a week. we would try and do something else, but would always end up watching that movie. ive seen it about onehundred times.. its not old yet.