love explosion

Word of the Day: contretemps So Cong's left. I'm so dreading work tomorrow. This lady from Channelview, Sheryl or something, is our new GM and she seems like a bad one. And by bad one I mean she doesn't seem like she cares about the employees and she's definitely not friendly, I know that for sure. Needless to say, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be complaining about this Sheryl lady often. We left Friday afternoon for Austin. We got to the hotel around ten o'clock in the evening. We got Patrick settled and we went to bed around ten thirty. At half past midnight, the fire alarm went off. We're all freaking out, Patrick especially, and we went downstairs and outside. After a minute or two the alarm stopped, but no hotel employee let us know what was going on, the fire department hadn't come, no one knew what was going on. We went back inside and got Patrick settled again, and not twenty minutes later the alarm went off again. The second and third times it went off it sounded for about ten seconds each. JD went down to the desk to find out what was going on and while he was gone the fourth alarm went off and stayed sounding. I got Patrick and went outside, meeting JD at the door of our room. He told me to sit in the car and get warm while he went back to the desk. After about twenty or thirty minutes in the car with Patrick, JD came back and said there was something wrong with the circuit in the jacuzzi, and the fire department had come and reset the breakers so they wouldn't go off anymore. He said it took forever, but the guy at the desk finally took money off of people's rates. We went back upstairs and it was around one o'clock before we were settled and back in bed. Patrick went to sleep and slept all night, but JD and I barely slept at all. The wedding was beautiful. I cried like I said I would. The reception was nice as well. JD and I noticed that the church wasn't decorated at all, no flowers, no garland, no nothing. The reception was barely decorated. The only thing they had were the centerpieces, which were candles either on stands or in lamps surrounded by fake holly sprigs and flower petals. They had bubbles instead of rice. I think that's awesome, all of it. I felt like I was about to die on the way home. I had such a headache and I threw up about two miles from the house. When we got home I changed and crashed in the bed for about fourty five minutes. I felt much much better when I woke up, thank goodness. Kim's coming on Tuesday. Yay!
Christmas morning before we started opening presents, Patrick had to have something to eat. I just like his eyes, he's all like, 'Quit with the picutres.'
Patrick looking at the little racing car his daddy gave him. And holding onto that bow for dear life.
He surely enjoyed his Christmas lunch.
Patrick with JD's Aunt Jean in her hammock on Boxing Day.
The back of Josh and Laurel as they were doing the cake business. I didn't get many other pictures of the two of them together because, you know, they had taken a billion pictures before. I snuck a few here and there of them standing around and this [unfortunately] was the best one.
Laurel and me. Tear.
OMG!!! A Sisson family picture!!!
My other best friend Crystal with Patrick. He was in love with her earrings.
Ah, the good ole days of pictures with Aaron. I had my mouth open to be sentimental.
More good ole days of Rachel, Aaron, and JD hanging out. Yay. PS. Patrick's walking all over the place. Not walking well, but walking nonetheless.
Read 10 comments
patrick seems like such a happy , happy baby !

you and jd are obviously doing a great job .
why the disdain for hobby lobby? i only hate it because it takes all my money.
haha i love patrick's faces! these pictures are wonderful.
patricks getting so big! its exciting seeing him grow up even if it is just through the internet :)
In that first picture, I love Patrick's expression.

He's like, "Hey momma. You better take this picture 'cause I'm about to NAP, and you better believe it," in a totally awesome fonzie sort of way even though I never saw that show.
Any walking is good walking. He will improve.

Love the new corner picture. It works.

P.S. Loooooove the pics, as usual. I almost fell over when I saw one of the three of you - a rarity!

Babeh is adorable. Soooooo cute.
that's so crazy that he's walking. [tear]

pictures are adorable.
he looks adorable in his red shirt. Such a little man now!

PS: Love the top_left pic.
he is too cute. and you are too, nice new pic at the top ;)

i like the one of you, jd, and patrick too.

how's the new boss? hopefully not as bad as you thought.