first times

Word of the Day: hobnob Two Patrick things happened today. The first is that he took his first bath sitting up. Prior to today he's always had his bath laying down because I was too afraid to have him sitting up, afraid of him slipping or something equally as horrible. However, he enjoyed having the water poured over his head [he was facinated in general with the whole principle of water coming out of a cup] and though he didn't get bathed too well I'm sure he had loads of fun. Secondly, he had his first taste of real food. Green beans, to be exact. I couldn't bring myself to actually taste it, though I like green beans. I thought it was going to be difficult because he's been not liking the cereal, but it was a piece of cake. Or a cup of green beans. I think something else he didn't like was reclining in his bouncy chair. He's wanting to sit up more and more even though he can't do it by himself, so I finally figured out how to work the high-chair to have him eat in there. He ate a little more than half the thing of green beans, which was a lot more than I expected him to eat. And he's growing more hair and grabbing at his feet all the time. JD's raise actually went though. He said his manager thought he made more than he really did so he got less of a raise than he could have gotten. However, JD set him straight and he should be getting another raise next month [or as soon as he possibly can] to rectify the situation. I don't know anything about my raise or what's going on with that. I'm bothered by the fact that I don't have friends and I don't do anything but be with my son and wait for my husband to come home. I'd do something else, but I don't know what. I don't like Victoria, I don't like the people in Victoria, so I don't want to make any friends here. I'm really dumb and lonely and I don't like myself much. I never really have. I want to post sexy pictures or do something scandelous so I can have something exciting to write about, but...all I want to do is take a nap. All the time. And that's no fun. Gah. ________________________________________________________________________ I made a resume. It's pretty lame. I was going to post it, but I decided not to.
Read 10 comments
first off you do have friends, ( me) and your not dumb your a genius, and third, call me id love to hear from you and quarternary, Congrats all!
I think I've said this about 700 times before, but if I lived near you, I'd come hang with you and Patrick all the time. I am sorry that you are feeling lonely, but lord knows you NEED to post some scandelous pictures. I do it when I am bored (you know that) and it's fun! The more pics the merrier, I say.

You are beautiful, intelligent, and you are a great mother, wife, and most of all a great PERSON. Hope you feel better soon.

ash, I'm sorry we can't visit more often.
Also it's a GOOD sign that you want to be around your husband and child!
and please, I'd kill to have your brains. would you like a good book to read? read Good Omens by terry pratchett and Neil Gaiman. hilarious.
and I'm sure you'll have lots of friends where ever you move to.
ciao bella.
don't hate yourself. just look at your boy and admire him. he's a piece of you!
oh and congrats to JD for the raise and "you go dude" on the pursuit for the next one
oh, ashley...

having friends and having a good self-image is SO overrated. people that feel good about themselves are annoying anyway.

but this is coming from someone that also suffers from friendless self-loathing.

come to california on vacation. you can stay with me and ill cook for you and take u to the beach and show you how much texas sucks in comparison.

Ashley: see soon-to-be-sent email. These little boxes kill me. I can never fit anything...

my life consists of working and that's about it. i see my boyfriend about once a week and my friends hardly ever, because half of them don't live in omaha, and the ones that do, i'm too lazy to call when i'm off.

i'd hang out with you if i was in texas. i'd babysit too, so you could go shopping or just get out of the house.

unfortunately, i live three states away, but you have my online friendship. not quite the same, but eh.
Congrats to JD on the raise! I will e-mail you my phone number, maybe we can meet up for lunch or something one day soon. I'd love to visit with you and play with Patrick.
I want some sexy pictures!
BABE!!! Hook a single brother up with some scandelous pics!! I'm lonely, and need love too!!


Love ya babe!

On a serious note, sorry I didnt' make the visit....things wern't good at the time to do that, but gimme your email or #, and we'll work something out.

The Rat