
Word of the Day: bathetic 1200-1500 word Crime and Punishment paper: due Thursday. 8-10 page psychology paper: due Friday. 4-5 page psychology final exam paper: due Saturday. Realizing school is done exactly one week from today: priceless. ____________________________________________________________________
'I can't give you anything but love, Baby...'
Read 11 comments sucks...badly...shoot me
Awesome diary i love it.That is so funny!!!

I think the stress of all of the papers due equals the happiness of realizing that school's almost out. :oD I can't wait for Christmas break. Just one more semester until I start college! YaY! LoL

Pees. ~*Kristina
I'm probably going to go to a community college first, to make sure that journalism is what I want to do, because I really like cars too and was considering being a mechanical engineer. Then it's off to UCF. :D
Yes, UCF=University of Central Florida. LoL My cousin went there and she was in the arts and sciences school, so she's given it raving recommendations (of course :oP).

Pees. ~*Kristina
Having my own car magazine is my dream. :oD

Pees. ~*Kristina
Thanks for your recent comments! I don't know if you'll believe it, but I was just preparing to send this note in response to your yesterday's comment, when I saw a comment from you today! What a treat to hear from you again and again. I recall that you greeted me on my 3rd day at sitD (and I so welcomed your friendliness). I see your name around a lot (in peoples' entries as well as in your comments). You're the sitD ambassadress of goodwill!
Haha, i love those commercials. the cat in the hat ones the best. and thanks for offering to go with me, haha.
yup it sure is a good song. haha. thanks for the comment! =D
hey thanks 4 welcoming me, nice diary by the way, latErz
wow you have a lot to do. but just think, the end is near : ) when do you go to rome?