people matter

Word of the Day: slugabed So it turned out that Patrick got none of the horrible diseases either Evan or Ethan had. Good job, immune system. JD has an interview with VISD tomorrow morning that we're both really excited about. I hopehopehopehopehope he gets an offer. I sent in an application for district clerk for the county, but I doubt I'll get anything. They started renovating the hotel for real, not just saying it. There are people everywhere tearing up shit and making noise. We're also not a Holiday Inn anymore, at least for a month. We voluntarily covered our sign and told them to kick us off Holidex [the central reservations system] since we're going through such a change. So on May 1 people from Holiday Inn are going to come and reinspect us, but the reopening really all depends on our service scores changing. At the moment, management's trying to boost morale, but I don't think a lot is going to change unless people like Sherryl [the GM] starts being friendly and not being an ass when she's in her office and talking to employees. Any road, the whole point of that was to say that I don't think our scores are going to be anywhere near passing at the end of the month or even at the end of the year, so I'm definitely going to apply to more places. Or so I say. I love my life though I hate it. I love my family and my outlook, but I hate my job and my situation. I swear, if JD gets this job, I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm going to be so elated. I had a lot more to talk about, but now that I'm reclining here watching TV, I can't think of anything. Later.
Read 6 comments
I dig the picture. It's like I've seen that place before, somewhere...

what will he be doing at the school district?

goodluck to you and he, both.
I wishing both of you so much luck, because if anyone deserves it, it's you guys.
good job patrick!
good luck JD!
good pic ash! (one of my fav's of you!)
what would jd do at VISD? does he have a teaching certificate?

good luck to you both in finding new jobs! that's a stressful time but it's fun too, to imagine all the possibilities of what you could do and where you could work.
just testing something. pay no attention. :)