happy times in houston

Word of the Day: cybrarian 'Cybrarian' is a word? Who knew... So I'm in Houston right now, and I'm wondering if the beds at our hotel are this freakin comfortable. Man, this thing is uber bouncy and fluffy, no wonder people always compliment us on our beds. Any road, spending time with Beata has been really nice since I haven't yet. She's a nice person and I think we're going to have a good time tomorrow. Mr. Hsu owns this hotel as well [which is why we're staying here, it's free] and it's in default with its sign taken away like our situation earlier this year. However, it's nice enough for me. I'm watching TV and knitting, and I brought Harold along with me so that I can take the time and actually write an entry. The trip to Houston with Beata was really good. We talked about the hotel and bad mouthed the things we didn't like, and we also talked about boyfriends and husbands and Europe. It was one of the quickest trips to Houston I've ever been through. I just noticed that the 'Ads by Google' thing at the top says 'NaNoWriMo Naruto Moving Kit Moving Plan Move Out'. That's been how things went in the month of November--NaNoWriMo, watching Naruto, and moving. How funny. Patrick's been sick for a while now. Not any sort of real sickness, I don't think, just problems, nothing serious enough for me to actually take him to the doctor. He's not going to have insurance until the first of January, so I'm trying to avoid a trip until then so that we can have a Christmas. First he had the sniffles, then he had a cough, then he had diarrhea, then he threw everything up. I'm having a hard time, but Patrick doesn't seem to care. He's just been playing and making trouble. He's such a little trooper. We left around one today, so I got to spend the morning with Patrick, and he kept coming to me and wanting to sit with me, which almost never happens. It's so nice to realize that he actually does miss being with me after not having a day off in a week. I decided to wash the pile of dishes this morning. I got myself pretty worked up as I lay in bed thinking about things. I was all sorts of angry by the time the alarm rang. I started the laundry, I started washing the dishes, I yelled at JD a little bit, and then after I was done with most things and Patrick was poking at his toast, I calmed down a little. By the time I was on my way to JD's work to switch cars with him, I felt much better. We apologized to each other before I left, so things should be all right now. I left JD a list of things I didn't get to this morning because of Patrick, so I'll be perfect if those things get done. I got an invitation to Kim's wedding in the mail the other day. It's in February and it's in Nebraska. I'm so sad because I want to go so badly, but there's no way I can think of that I can. It would be so good to see her [and probably everyone else from school] again, but maybe it's better for me if I don't go. Maybe I'll just hurt myself more if I do go. I hope it's beautiful becuase if anyone wants to get married in the world, it's Kim. I think I mentioned it before, but I started knitting Patrick a sweater before NaNoWriMo with nasty, acrylic yarn. I finished it, sewed it together, and was proud of it for about two minutes before I started another one with beautiful, soft, wool. Hopefully I can finish it within a couple of weeks so that he can wear it a few times before it gets warm again. In order to do that, however, I need to get a-knittin.
Read 6 comments
omg, you're such a mom....knitting and everything!!!
When the hotel gets their sign taken away, does that mean they can't refer to themselves as a Hilton anymore? When they answer the phones, do they say, "Hello, this is the hotel, how may I help you?"

You are awesome with the knitting. I need lessons from you. I can't even imagine making a sweater.
no no no ...i've seriously always wanted to learn how to knit. i wish i could!
wow, a sweater? I'm impressed. I can't wait to finish kate's jacket. check out the engagement shots!
I wanna see your apartment girl!
you been having fun?
and you're really not going to come to the wedding? :(
Yay! Patrick said my name... that warms my heart. Remember the glow worm picture of him you were gonna send me for my fridge? haha, that was so cute.
Hi, I like your Header, Its pretty cool. I Like your diary too.