i love cartoon network

Word of the Day: zillionaire It's been a while since I've written, and now that I have time to write, I can't think of anything really important to say. I'm starting to get mad about how filthy our house is. I think tomorrow I'll be mad enough to clean the bathroom, vacuum the whole fracking house, rearrange Patrick's room, and pick up stuff. I think. I don't know, I have to wash clothes as well, so I might not get to everything. Sometimes I just look around and dispair because it's built up so much, I don't think I'll be able to even make a dint. I just want to give Zinedine Zidane a hug. I'd be pissed off too if someone talked smack about my mother and sister [if I had a sister] off and on for 110 minutes during one of the most important matches of my life. Every time I read an article about the final or the hearings that are going on, they show the picture of him walking away from the Cup, and it just makes me sad for him. But I'm glad FIFA's investigating not only what happened between Zizou and Materazzi but also if the fourth official had seen the replays on the screens or actually saw the headbutt happen. Patrick is being weird. I had to take him to see a doctor [Dr. Dentler is on vacation so I had to take him to someone else] yesterday because Laura said he had a fever of 101 to 102, he wasn't eating and was barely drinking, and he was not his energetic self. The doctor said with the symptoms he has, he couldn't determine exactly what was wrong other than it's some viral infection. He said if Patrick starts coughing or vomiting or breaking out, I needed to bring him back, but otherwise just give him some children's Motrin and see what happens. Today he still had his fever but he got a little energy back and his appetite as well, but he's having trouble falling asleep. I had to coax him yesterday to go to sleep, and I fear I'll have to do it again tonight. We put him to bed an hour ago, and he's still crying in his crib. So whatever this is, I hope it's over soon because I hate hearing him cry all sad like he is. It's an hour later, and we let Patrick play with us for a little bit and put him back to bed, but he's still crying. I had a bad day at work today, but I don't want to talk about it. I just want to forget it, and soon. Cong told me the other day that Yadida is coming back in the next couple of weeks. I don't know why I'm excited about her coming back, it's not going to change anything at the desk and my situation. I guess I'm just happy to have someone back from the old days when things weren't so crazy, or maybe when I had a good time at work. That's probably it. So I decided that instead of buying a fedora for my writing cap for NaNoWriMo, but I decided to knit myself a hat. Maybe, since it's in November, it'll be a little cold? No, for reals, I decided to practice intarsia knitting. It's going surprisingly well, and will definitely be done by 1 November. And now, to love on my husband.
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oooooh, loving on husbands!
i like to clean. almost enough to purposely let stuff get dirty so that the ensuing cleanliness brings me more satisfaction.
Hey Ash, I'm sure your place is a zillion times cleaner than the place I'm staying. ;) I love coming here and seeing "We read to know we're not alone
Lovin you all,

Emilie Egg