something else

Word of the Day: execrate I don't go to work for a week [barring Sunday] and I miss all the gossip. {1} There are two new people at the desk--Celeste, who is sure she's seen me somewhere before [we both lived in Edna, and that's probably where], and Thomas, who was at the hotel when I started the very first time. Celeste is all right, she used to work at Motel 6 whenever, so she's partly knowledgable of the hotel business. Thomas seems to be doing fine, remembering everything, so that surely makes me happy. One less person to train. {2} Michelle got fired. I have no idea why, no one told me. Apparently this happened Tuesday after all the meetings were over, but you know what I did after our meeting? That's right, I went home. Doy. And Jeff says he's the last to know everything. Pshaw. {3} Yadida had her baby Saturday. Yadida was due in October. She was two pounds. I knew she was going to have her early because her first daughter was a month early. Teresa said she had to have her in Port Lavaca because she wasn't going to make it to Victoria, but they moved the baby to DeTar [the one I was at, so I know she'll be all right]. As far as I know, both mother and daughter are fine. I'll talk about the work implications of this in a bit. So Cyndi talked to me at lunch about me going to the back. She said Cia-Huy was definitely wanting to fire Teresa, and when that happens Cyndi will be accounting manager and she will have me moved to the back. However, now that Yadida's out of commission for a while, they might be keeping Teresa back there [because she knows what to do and is therefore more valuable in a crunch] until Yadida comes back and having me go back there one day a week to 'help out' [aka start learning what to do]. On the other hand, they might wait till Yadida comes back and everything gets straight again till things go down. Frack, we don't even know if Yadida's coming back at all. Cyndi told me it might be as soon as two weeks before this goes down. And now I really don't know how to feel about all this. I can't be really excited at work because Teresa doesn't know she's being fired and I would be a major loss for Jeff. But I don't really want to be excited at all for fear that this doesn't go through. More than anything, I hate being disappointed, especially when I want something to happen so badly. We'll see, but I'm so impatient sometimes. I didn't realize, until Celeste told me, we're getting paid on Friday. Yay for that. In other news [because, really, what do I ever talk about other than work and Patrick?], Patrick's starting to very crudly try to crawl. He gets his knees under himself and tries to lift his chest and sort of gets himself up but loses balance before then and rolls over. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. And now he's crying but I don't know if he's tired or hungry or bored. I shall see.
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where oh where has my Ash-a-ley gone?
Just thought I would check in - It's been awhile since you wrote.

Writer's block?


Love Dania
I will be thinking of you and hoping you get that switch at work and that you will happy and carefree.

I didn't know Nate Fisher gets killed off in the show. As I was telling Bianca [painfullybeautiful], I own seasons 1 & 2 for a while now. Then I watched a few episodes of season 4 [on HBO On Demand], while having never seen season 3. I just got season 3 for my birthday, so I am watching to fill in the gaps, then I can finish watching season 4.
I am impatient too...
My fingers are still crossed for you on the job front (which makes typing this very difficult, but I have skills....)
As for Patrick, I hope he will crawl for you. My cousin Gracie is on a crawling strike - I think she will just end up walking and skip crawling altogether.

Keep Smiling Chickie...

wow, a 2-pound baby. i hope it's okay.

i also hope you get the promotion you keep getting promised. soon. :)
work gossip drains me. i dont really talk to anyone but nas, my boss.

i hope things ahppen the way you want them to and you dont have to learn the art of patience.

and i want to see patrick crawl. itd be amazing.
DO NOT set down that camera until you hae crawling pictures for us!!!
