i'ma eat some popcorn

Word of the Day: druthers I swear my son's the devil. They always say how good he is at the daycare, how happy and agreeable he is, and then he does nothing but cry when he gets at home and make me hate him. Now, for example. He barely slept for his nap, they told me, and he was rubbing his eyes and whining when we got home. So I put him in his crib and turned the moblie on, and he's done nothing but scream apart from the minute I went in there to check on him. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen every single day, but it does so it's bad. I'm watching Death to Smoochy. I'm cracking up. Edward Norton is so cute. Work hasn't been as bad as it could be. I think they're planning on hiring at least one more person, if not a manager as well. I don't know if they're going to hire a manager or if Simon's going to keep commuting from corporate office. He's not going to be here this week so I'm in the office all by myself. I'm getting organized and getting things done. I got done knitting the two sides of the bag, but they didn't give me a needle to sew the two pieces together, so I made potholders instead of a bag. There will be pictures later. This day was crap.
Read 9 comments
we are the only two active users riiiiiiight.... now!
youre a faggot.
ash, patrick probably wants to be with you when he gets home! he may be tired, but he knows you are home...maybe, either that or he's like me when I was little and was bad when I got home just b/c.
I want to see the knitting!!
i used to want edward norton a lot. hes really smart in real life.

patrick will be better soon.
those will likely be some pretty hot potholders. Well, I guess lots of potholders are... intended to get hot. Or something.

I admire your mothering abilities endlessly.
i love popcorn..

i'm okay. this sucks a lot but i will survive.

i've missed ya. cute tongue ;)
i love edward norton, and your glasses.

OMG i love that movie. It's hilarious.