did i say that? or just think it? was i talking?

Word of the Day: captious [did they hear me?] Today at work consisted of me filing, filing, filing away papers. It's disgusting how much I honestly enjoy paperwork. Since Teresa was gone all of last week, none of it had been done. I had a lot of practice at it today. Cyndi even let me go to the bank this afternoon to make the deposit. She said I'd be doing the filing, entering times, helping with payroll, sending out direct bills [but not calling people who owe us money], and other small tasks that would free up the two of them to concentrate on getting money in and making sure what money we have is correct. Apparently things went really wrong this past weekend because Adrain was in a tizzy when he got in this morning and wanted to meet with all the managers. He made Cyndi call in Jeff and Joy so they could all get chewed out at the same time. It was lame, though, when they told me about it afterwards. I'll still be working the desk every once in a while [I'm on the schedule for Thursday, but I'm getting out of it if I can], but I definitely won't miss it at all. Patrick was sleeping when I went to pick him up. He had a grand time, they said, meeting all the other little babies. He is the smallest, I believe, or so he looked. They said he was perfectly fine, and after I got him home and he slept for a bit, he woke up in a grand mood. We were laughing together, he was laughing at everything, it was amazing. I wished JD was here so badly. I thought about Patrick all day, though, not necessarily worrying about him, but just sort of mourning the fact that I had to start him in daycare. I feel all right about that now. I asked JD the other day what we were going to do for our very first anniversary. He told me he was thinking about that same thing a few days before. We decided, I believe, that we're too poor to really do anything at all, other than go out to eat at a moderately expensive restaurant and snuggle together afterwards. I'll try to think of something, though, something special. I want him to know he's special to me, that the day is important to me. I don't know, really, if I do enough of that, making him feel special. I do love him, so very much.
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wow, looks like you have a little social bug in the family now. don't know where he gets that from!
when I was little I went to daycare in the mornings before kindergarten because my mom worked at my dad's office and they got tired of having me sit around in the office in the mornings before kindergarten started.

here's the thing: NO ONE in my family remembers this except for me. I have been trying for years to get them to agree and admit the fact that they put me in daycare. They insist I made it up. To this day I don't know the truth.
I am so glad that Patrick (and you) had a great first day! Grace is currently discovering other babies and thinks they are they greatest thing on earth!

I don't know what to suggest for the anniversary thing. Dinner and a snuggle sounds good. I think all that matters is that you guys get some alone time together to just celebrate being in love. That may sound a bit lame, but, in my opinion, that's all that matters.

this new friend-deleting business has reminded me to add you. i always read your journal anyways, i do it after kate's journal, so i just go through her friends list. twisted, but true. but you are a friend!
I cant believe it's already been a year! Congratulations to you two.