mission--monthly pictures: three

Word of the Day: cronyism
Patrick at three months
The standard Patrick on the green blanket picture. He almost takes it all up now.
Me helping Patrick to sit up after burping him. He never likes to be burped at the start of it, but after a little while and some whining he realizes he can look around and he's fine with that.
Kiss kiss, snuggle snuggle. Mmmmm, babeh love.
Patrick sitting up. He really likes this because, once again, he gets to look around. And it's different than laying down. These two were taken last night, but I say they count.
Muwahahahahaaaaa, smiles!!!!
Read 10 comments
I am melting.

baby love!!
ash he is freaking adorable.

i want one. babies are so sweet and cuddly. i've been looking forward to having kids since my aunt had my cousin julia (who is 4).

babies are still a few years off for me (hopefully), but i love looking at patrick. i wish i could babysit.
hes adorable
ahhh so cute! I can't wait for more! ..as always, haha
"Mommy, why is there a pirate flag in all of my baby pictures?"
Seriously, what a sweetheart! He's gonna be a heartbreaker someday!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww he is soooooooooooooooooooooo cute
aww he's adorable!!!!
thanks ash. I am glad someone thinks I am sexy!! woo!
I HAVE to get me one of these things!!! LOL, know any young ladies that are looking for a donor? HEHHEHE, sorry, that was bad - I can't wait to have a family.