change of address

Word of the Day: mawkish And there you have it. A little Audrey/Gavin on the way, and Ashley getting married in a couple of months. I moved in with JD on Wednesday after our first appointment. All the things that are vitally necessary to my life--clothes, shoes, my Irish flag, my moe huge map of Bofin, three Hard Rock bears. Okay, so maybe some of it was slightly excessive, but I need a few comforts that remind me of the days. I brought half of my bookshelf and all of my notes from school--highly unnecessary at the moment, but I have to remember how to write a good paper, and where would I be without Dante and George Kennan and good ole Dostoyevsky? One of the many benefits, however, is that JD has high speed cable internet, so that's pretty awesome. I feel a little bit awkward, though, because this all happened so very fast. And his mother makes me nervous. Not really nervous so much as I know this is strange and probably an inconvience and...oh yeah, I mentioned strange. But that's all right, things will soon get settled and life will go on. Most def. Oh, yes. And did I mention that I'm happy? Insanely happy? Well, I am, so there.
Read 4 comments
im not sure quite what to say ash, but i guess congratulations are in order. i hope that we can still talk and that everything is going well. jay
I hope you meant to talk to me about this... not so I can say anything mean, just so as to have a shoulder to cry on... EAH 703 Miriam
sounds like this all happened really fast, but i'm glad you are happy.

I just wanted to let you know that i have italy pics up...

if you are interested take a look :o)