'ichigo' means strawberry

Word of the Day: sumptuous Patrick's haircut is growing out, thank goodness. It's more bearable to look at. He's so funny, though. At the table, he picked who sits where. He'll sit in his booster seat and point to a chair and say, 'Daddy's chair.' So if I sit in that chair, he says, 'No, Mommy, that's Daddy's chair!' Even our toothbrushes go in specific holes in the little holder. So when I got off work last Wednesday, JD was waiting in the car for me. He said Laura had Patrick until five thirty or six, so we had some time to ourselves. We went home, knocked the boots, changed, and went out to the Olive Garden, which was uuuuuber crappy. Our Olive Garden just opened up in January, I think, and it's always packed, but I don't know why becuase it was really crappy. The only good thing was the Venetian Sunrise, a drink with Martini & Rossi Asti spumanti, pineapple juice and cherry juice, rather like a tequila sunrise but tastier. Mmmmmm, it was tasty. JD and I had really nice conversation without Patrick distracting us, which hasn't happened in a long time. I had such a good time, I forgot Lost was coming on later that evening. And was it ever an awesome episode. All in all, the berfday was good. I've been knitting up a storm lately. I've got pictures, albeit very bad pictures, of my projects. When I finished my bag, I started flipping out. JD probably thought I was being silly, but I'm just very proud of myself. Both JD and my mother have told me that they're surprised that I've stuck with this knitting thing. I don't know why they're so surprised. When I decide to do something, I do it. Granted, I might get pissed off and frustrated and angry, but I'll do it. Like NaNoWriMo last year--I said I was going to win it, and even though I came thisclose to quitting numerous times throughout the month, I didn't. And knitting is so much fun. Work sucks, but I'll have to complain about that later. Right now, Patrick's making a mountain out of our cushions and is trying to climb them and then slide down them. It's like he's asking to go to the hospital. Ta.
Read 9 comments
dude I love your bag. also I think it's really cute and motherly (but in a hipster way) to be knitting up a storm.
can't see the bag, though i'm sure it looks great. (=
happy belated birthday!
and ahhh, pillow forts. those were the days.
be well (=

i hate olive garden SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHH. i've only been one time but ew. never go there ever. still though, its nice that you and jd could have alone time. :)
Kids are funny. I hope you have no hospital visits with the little one anytime soon.
Take care and I hope things are on an upward swing....


I'm so glad you guys are doing better! I lOVED making cushin forts! I still do for the triplets! CAn't wait to see the kitting projects!
if you get a chance, say hello to my friend at [because]. she's good people. -matt
"it's like he's asking to go to the hospital"... haha :)

that bag is cute! good work, i would be proud of myself too :) olive garden is good, but nothing fantastic, at least in my opinion. there are much better italian places out there, at least in omaha.

i am glad to hear you are doing well and that your birthday was good :) take care ash!
in my opinion, olive garden is pretty stinky no matter where you go. but i'm sorry your experience was crappy. happy birthday, by the way. and we want pictures. lots of them. patrick. knitting. jd. you. lots of pictures. :) kthanks.
I second Ange's request for MANY photos. Glad you got some boot knocking in. But too bad about the food, at least you got some nice booze! And I was LOLing that Patrick asking to go to the hospital line as well. Love you, ciao!