i never thought i'd be saying this

Word of the Day: bloviate So we finally went to Wal-Mart and asked someone if they had 'Napoleon Dynamite'. We had looked and looked during our previous trips to no avail, and so JD took initiative [because I don't like talking to people] and asked some guy who was much too old to be working in the electronics section of the store if they had it. And they did, pretty much hidden. Punks. And, after much prodding, I finally decided to start exercising in earnest. And in earnest I mean for real since I haven't been at all. I'm tired of jiggling all over the place. It's far time to get rid of this nastiness. I've got to fit into my UC skirt, damn it. So while we were at FYE I stumbled upon Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease, volume one of a something part series. So, needless to say, this should be rather interesting. Although we watched it when we got home at it looks sort of fun. It'll be nice to be dancing again, that's for sure. I'm going to do it by myself, though, because I'm sure I'll look quite silly. I already get laughed at enough. Nothing really has been happening. I've been staying home, avoiding going back to work, looking for a job, playing World of Warcraft [yes, I'm a total nerd], playing with Patrick, watching him grow. The last two are most definitely my favorite, though avoiding work comes in third. I'm so freakin lazy. And fat. But not fat for long. I hope.
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yeah, I was thinking of doing that too. Or bellydancing.
You'll have to tell me how that goes, I need to start getting more into shape as well. That is as soon as a can physically exercise again, but I want to do something fun like that, so let me know how its goes! :)
you'll lose the wait I'm sure. Hope every thing is going good. You should find a job, I'm actually trying to myself. ttyl
ash- love that skirt, you are not fat!!! you were like the smallest pregnant person ever. love kate
i like napoleon a lot. jeff and i both own it, it's a great movie.

good luck on the working out. a striptease video sounds fun. you'll be super sexy as well as lose weight. :)
Happy 2 years!!
Glad to see you are getting into shape. Not only good for your body, but for your mind and soul as well. Our bodies are the Lord's temples, and I for one try to make it look great. It's one of my private little ways to honor Him. I've heard a couple of gals say they loved the video you got, and I have one friend doing the bellydancing thing, and she is diggin' it. And if all else fails, Warcraft counts as exercise!!!