i'm the time you forgot everything

Word of the Day: celerity Everytime I put Patrick in his crib, he stands up in it. And now he tries to stand up all the time. I have the picture of his very first stand-up, that one down there, on my desktop at work. I'm so proud. I can't help it, and I never ever thought I'd feel this way. We have a five gallon Ozarka bottle that we put our change in. Patrick uses it to get himself on his feet, and now I think he's trying to drink from it. He looks at the opening and leans toward it, repeats, repeats, and then starts yelling and crying. He's doing it now. He's really funny. After he's done with his dinner, I've been giving him little teething biscuits or toast or whatever it's called. He has fun with that, gets it in his hair and ears, doesn't actually eat too much of it. Is it just in Texas that people go hang out and watch the junior high football team practice? God I hope so. I made fun of JD this morning because he's going to miss 'Lost'. [later] He didn't miss anything superfantastic, nothing I can't tell him. Dumb episode.
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i love watching stuff like that with lily and melody. its amazing and perfect to watch babies discover.

be well.
I think that the football thing is a Texas thing...

And you should have Patrick try the baby food puffs. I forget which brand makes them...probably Gerber. But they are quicker to dissolve than Cheerios and babies love them.

Grace is addicted to them. We are looking into treatment programs. My brother (who is living with my aunt, uncle and cousin right now) has developed a taste for the apple strawberry ones...

do you have a southern accent ?
I GOTTA get me a kid!!!!
Yes, sex on wheels is my specialty.

In response to your anonymous comment: No. I talk like a cowboy. Not a redneck.