
Word of the Day: hie I haven't moved from the bed except to get breakfast and go to the bathroom. I don't plan on moving until I have to start getting ready for Baby's appointment. I've perscribed a day of bedrest for myself except for the appointment. I probably won't even take a shower. I've become highly aware that I don't have any ankles anymore thanks to JD's mother. She asked me one day how my ankles were doing, and I was all like, 'Fine as far as I know,' and I lifted up my pant legs to reveal that I was standing on two fleshy columns instead of my previously quite shapely ankles. My surprise and amazement were unparalleled. And now I'm freaking obsessed. At the moment, my ankles are beautiful and defined, but after a day's worth of standing up and walking around, they get really really swollen and it's disgusting. I'm no longer disgusted by my hugeness, I've gotten used to that, but this ankle thing is really getting to me. When people at work ask me how far along I am, I've started to ask them what they think. Just to spice things up a bit. Most people guess around right, but some people think I'm going to have the baby next week. Well, I mean, I supposed I could have the baby next week, but I'm always like, 'Nope, I'm getting bigger than this, thank you.' Everyone I work with thinks I was skinny before I got pregnant, like Yadida skinny, like size 2 skinny. No one believes I weighed 140 lbs before and no one at all believes I've gained thirty pounds since. So I hope I'm not doing too badly. I just want to put it down in this dark void of electric signals that I dearly love my husband. With everything that I have. Work was a lot less stressful this weekend just because it wasn't insanely busy, but Samantha is still really annoying. I discovered that if I didn't give her anything to do she would talk to me about all sorts of things and not concentrate on the things I was trying to tell her or teach her. This discourages me, it reminds me of Nicole when I was training her but not as bad. I guess we'll see what happens with that. Velma starts auditing tonight, so that's going to be one less thing the accounting department has to worry about. I've been feeling...I don't know...abused at work lately. Jeff is still doing both accounting and guest services, and so he's been relying a lot on me throughout the day to help him. And I'd be fine with that if I were working with someone competent who could work without me having to hover over them and make sure they're doing things right. But he added on all these things along with the pressures of being really busy during this past week and trying to train a new girl and being seven months pregnant and tired in general. I don't know, even with all the financial troubles the hotel is having at the moment, I don't get paid enough for all that. None of us do. And thus, the abuse. I think I'm going to stop looking for a new job for the moment. If I did get a new job, especially before March, I'd feel really badly about leaving when I know the hotel needs me as much as it does. Which, now that I read that over, sounds really pompus and presumptous of me. So I'll wait and see what happens. 'Hope for the best.' I married into a good family. *update* I, praised be Jesus, do not have gestational diabetes, and I've actually gained thirty-two pounds instead of the beforementioned thirty. My nurse practitioner told me today that it looked like I had lost weight when I had actually gained two pounds. I was all like, 'All right, that's cool, I suppose.' It's aaaaaaaalllll Baby.
Read 10 comments
aww, i figured he was boyfriend or husband cause of the belly shot. :-P

thats so cute.
If your ankles are so freakin' interesting, let's see a picture! Hope all goes well.

PS Could you email me your mailing address? Thx
u do drugs when your pregnant? are you fucking retarded! jesus christ. do you want to kill your baby? i mean seriously. he can be born addicted to drugs and then that pain the baby has to go thru when they go thru withdrawal. Please tell me your kidding. Fuck. Some women can't have babies and your using herion. Please tell me your joking.
LMFAO @ torturedpoet
Isn't the thick ankle thing normal behavior for gravid ankles? I hope that ALL the trials yer goin through're routine for someone at yer stage of a pregnancy. That way, you can just be annoyed & not alarmed. I continue to be saddened by the necessity of your maintainin a job at this time in yer life. I understand that for a number of reasons you MUST work, but oh wouldn't it be so much nicer to spend more time on the couch playin music for baby!
You are indeed the philosopher Ash!

I once heard another take on ends and endings which I thought was accurate:

"Only good things come to an end.
Bad things have to be stopped."
Ash- quick note on the ankle issue. When i was in grade school we had this one OLD nun who definitely had just a huge tube of skin for her ankles... we called them cankles (calfankles), looking back on it, yes we will definitely burn in hell for making fun of an old nun- just thought that might make you laugh and to let you know that obviously you are in good company as i am sure she is in heaven- maybe praying for your cankles- love kate
Ash, thanks for always being there for Aaron and for always telling it like it is. Your opinion has been on target all along. phyl
Take care and get lots of rest when not working. Swollen ankles when I was pregnant put me on complete bedrest for one month before pesky Aaron arrive
You are so awesome.... take care and know I am thinking of you always!!!