deeper than bones

Word of the Day: obstreperous I sit there looking at him, looking into his eyes. ‘Stop searching my eyes,’ he says. ‘I can’t. I want to find out everything about, to understand you.’ ‘Stop searching my eyes,’ he says. ‘The only thing you’ll find there is a reflection of you.’ So apparently there are two new girls at work—a new girl and a newer girl. The new girl’s never worked in a hotel before and the newer girl has, so the names can be interchanged easily. I was counting the drawer one morning, and all of a sudden a lady walks in and says, ‘Hi, my name’s Vineta, I’m new.’ ‘Have you done anything at all?’ ‘I watched David and helped him out yesterday, but he didn’t really let me do anything.’ ‘Fabulous,’ thinks I, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing and Velma’s making me work with a trainee.’ But Vineta’s doing well. It’s kind of frustrating at times because she only works twice a week and doesn’t get a lot of practice and thus doesn’t really remember what she’s taught well, but I’m patient enough and it hasn’t gotten too busy when Velma’s not there to help out. And so I walked into work yesterday and I was met by the newer girl, Cyndi, who has worked in hotels and knows the details and doesn’t know our computer system. That’s very nice, having someone who knows what they’re doing already. And she’s quick with the computer, too. Thankfully, they’ve stopped making trainees waste hours in front of the computer training program that never helped and often confused the people [including me when I went through it] more when they actually got to the front. It was really busy yesterday. I tell my parents sometimes that it was busy at the hotel and I had to stay later and actually spend time with JD, but I hate it when it’s really busy and I really have to stay later to finish my paperwork. That irks me. I think JD and I are going to get married. We’ve already, after three weeks together, discussed names for our children, wedding plans [at least what kind of wedding I want, which is always changeable], the faith our children should follow, etc. We were walking through the mall the other day and we went to nearly every jewelry shop to look at rings, both engagement and wedding. The sales people asked us if we were looking for something specific, if they could show us anything, and each time I answered, ‘No, not yet, thanks.’ Not yet. And I’d look at JD and smile, and he’d smile back and squeeze my hand. The more time we spend with each other, the more we learn about each other, the more and more alike we become. Not really become, but find out we are, I suppose. We like a lot of the same music, the same kinds of music I should say, we’re both open-minded [and I think he was surprised to find that out about me], we have a lot of the same interests and beliefs about miscellaneous things. He told me many things, unflattering things, about himself and asked me if they changed what I thought about him, how I felt about him. I told him no, they didn’t. I like to make up my mind about a person instead of listening to small-town gossip and hearsay, I like to get to know the person and decide then what I think. I told him his past is the past and he’s not that person anymore by his own choices, which I admire. He’s had a hard life and he needs someone who loves him for who he is, despite what he’s done, and for who he might become, someone to help him along and share his dreams because they’re the same dreams dreamt by two different people. I’m happy to oblige. The past three weeks have been the most insane, crazy, beautiful, magical three weeks of my life because of JD. I told him one day that we’re going to surprise everyone by staying together since no one at all thinks we could ever happen at all, let alone stay together for longer than only a little while. He was happy about that. He’s happy about a lot of things now, which makes me insanely happy.
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YAY:) Im soo happy for you, it seems what you have is awesome, even after only a few weeks:) Cool deal good luck