
Word of the Day: primordial So much has happened this past month that’s made my life all topsy-turvy and confusing. My life might take a complete one-eighty in a few weeks, which we’ll just have to wait for. I stubbed my pinky toe on my right foot Tuesday morning. I think I did more than stub it [JD thinks I jammed or broke something] because not only is the toe mighty swollen, but I have this ginomous bruise that’s about .75 of my foot wide and about .5 of my foot long. It’s pretty funny looking and it’s something to complain about. The only bad thing is that I had to work Thursday and Friday mornings wearing closed-toe shoes, and I don’t think that helped the healing process. It hurts like a moe. On Wednesday JD and I had a movie day. He’s discovering that I’m highly uncultured, and he’s a mind to change that. So we watched Way of the Gun, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Donnie Darko. Good movies all, but I liked Donnie Darko the most. It made me actually get out one of my psychology books and start reading it for some reason. It also gave me creepy dreams that night, most of which I don’t remember other than the fact that I had a strange feeling when I woke up. I can’t concentrate on anything. I don’t really have anything to say. Other than Bob Schneider is a god. ‘Literature is the self-interpretation of human beings throughout history.’ Rollo May’s Psychology and the Human Dilemma, xiii.
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Random. What font do you use?

Lu x x x
That font thing was totally random I'm having a bit of an off day sorry.
Anyway, thanks for the welcome. And the font even though to be honest it's of no use whatsoever. I don't know why I asked.

Lu x x x
hey, i haven't read you in awhile..seems like your life has changed a lot!
sounds like all's cool w/ u, so that's cool.
Rocky horror is such a hott movie, even better in play.. I love the soundtrack hehe
hey did u get the end of donnie darko like is it that he sacrificed his life for his girflriend or what?
for the music clik on the top part of my dairy thing and sign up and when u have that pik what song u want and put the code in ur header info
i like ur fingers!
Hi, you commented in my journal, and, the only reason why I have that entry is because I have a personal journal too, and it's just kind of dumb to keep the other one around too if no one is reading it. My personal one is the one that actually counts, haha. But yeah, I just wanted to see how many people actually want me to keep writing in that so THEY can read what's up.


how is your summer going?

who is the boy on your entry picture? oo oo.. :o)

and who might jd be?

i dont know about you - but im still getting little culture shocks here and there.. mostly with my friends though. ahh all is well though - let me know how life is with you!