what do i do?

Word of the Day: consequential The latest from work-- I'm beginning to feel more and more underappreciated at work. Ever since Monica walked out and Anetra usurped power, apparently with permission, life at work sucks really badly. It's eight hours of torture, boring, tedious, stressful, painful torture, by myself, with no music. Is it wrong of me to complain of injustice? I just don't think it's fair that Anetra abuses her hopefully temporary powers. It's like I'm dealing with a tyrant, a living, breathing oppressor. When she made the schedule for this week, she made it completely to her advantage. When she is here, she doesn't work, she hangs out and talks on the phone and doesn't help people. We worked together on Friday, but it was abominably slow so I left at noon. The five hours I was there, she was late, she ate breakfast, she went to the restaurant at least twice more, she sat in the back and talked to Joy for half an hour, and she was on the phone. I often exaggerate but I'm not now. And today she was supposed to come in at noon, but she said she was going to come in at two. The only reason that I care is that Yadida's not here, so I'm not getting a lunch break unless someone remembers me and asks if I've eaten, and I might not get one then. I'm just exceptionally frustrated with the whole situation. I have no sort of authority, but eveyone complains to me about everything that's going on. What can I do about it? Me, with my senority and superior knowledge? I can't do a single thing. I can't talk to Anetra because I know she doesn't care. I can't talk to Mr. Rolland because, I guess, to him she can do no wrong. The only person I might be able to talk to is Theresa since she's human resources, but I don't feel comfortable talking to her--she always seems like she's taking speed or something, or she has ADD. Besides, no one listens to me when I try to say anything important. Everyone comes to me when they have problems and need things fixed, but no one has time for me when I have problems and need things fixed. What is it in my personality that I'm so loseable, so forgetable? Would that I slack off and not do my job well, that I didn't fix everyone's mistakes, that I put my foot down and quit being so nice. And I know I've said that before--'I'll stop doing things, I'll ignore mistakes,' but I've never done it. I can't make myself not do the best I can possibly do. You know what I think? I think nice fold really do finish last. I've been here three years, and I've gotten comfortable with things. Now Anetra's asking me if I'm able to work on Saturdays. I've been there three years, I haven't worked but one Saturday in over a year [since she's been here, in fact], you'd think she's leave me at peace with my Saturday. I've worked Sundays without [many] complaints since I started working here, so don't mess with the one thing I have left of a structured work week. I told my mommy on Monday that one day they're going to piss me off so badly that I'm going put in my two weeks that same hour. My patience is wearing thinner by the day. I think the only reason I haven't done anything yet is because we're trying to move out soon. And speaking of moving out, I'm getting frustrated with that, too. We still don't have a comfortable enough buffer yet, but we're both tired of living with his stupid, hypocondriac, exaggerating, stubborn mother. Our lease is up next month, and we all still need to decide if we want to stay where we're at [for $50 extra a month on a month to month basis] or go somewhere else. JD's mom wants to go elsewhere, but she's not looking for anything. I'm fine staying where we're at and paying the extra [hell, I'll pay it myself] until JD and I can An update-- * I did indeed eat, at the desk, which sucks. * Anetra got there at one thirty. * JD's mom did call around for apartments today, and they talked, but I don't know what went on because I was making dinner and feeding Patrick. And speaking of the little one, we went to the doctor yesterday. He weighs 24 lbs, is 31 inches tall, and had a great huge head. Dr. Dentler told me he was really unusual because he's so good and calm and laid back. I told him I knew it, that everyone tells me that. We'll see what happens with the apartment search. I hate money.
Read 5 comments
I hate to say it, but just from reading about things I have ALWAYS felt that you were underappreciated at your work. Which must mean that, at least subconsciously, you've always thought so too. am I right?
I've always had a big head. I still do, in fact. And I know it.
you're lucky you have a laid back baby. haha
Ash, are you still off of Guy Grant? I've got a delivery for you. Hit me up on myspace, or I'll try stopping by ur house soon. ;)

Thank you for not having a "friends only diary"
