mission--monthly pictures: ten

Word of the Day: ailurophile
Patrick at ten months
Of course, I didn't get a picture of him on the blanket, but I've missed so many now that I'm sure it doesn't really matter. So I'll start out this month with what he's doing new.
He's standing on his own and is thisclose to figuring out how to walk. He still needs to actually get up from a sitting to a standing position by himself. I made JD stand him up and then walk out of the picture for this. Oh yeah, and he likes to eat my phone.
He's standing up, too, in this picture, but you kind of can't tell. He likes to play with the printer, moving everything that can move and trying to hit the lights. He's mean to it sometimes.
Patrick absolutely loves JD. They rarely get to see each other while Patrick's awake since JD's closing at the store quite often, so they have a good time when they're together. I love to see them together, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
This close-up can be compared to the next one from two months ago--
just to see how much he's changed. I wasn't able to take a whole lot of pictures today. They called me from the daycare around noon and said Patrick's eyes were matted shut from the discharge coming from them, he was running a low fever, and he was in a foul mood indeed. So I went to pick him up and we went home with JD coming shortly after. I called the doctor and they didn't have any open appointments until Monday, but I spoke with one of the nurses [Dr. Dentler was out of the office for a meeting] who called in a perscription for eye drop antibiotics. We all played for a while and then went to Wal-Mart to pick up the perscription and buy presents for Patrick. He seemed fine other than really tired, and his eyes didn't seem to be bothering him. I also took a few pictures of the living room where the tree and stockings are.
JD turning the lights on.
The tree with the oodles of presents [most of them are Patrick's, of course]. So purdy.
Everyone's stockings: JD's mom's, mine, JD's, and Patrick's. This Christmas is going to be so much better than last. Though, I must admit, it's pretty hard to beat a white Christmas in Victoria no matter how desolate your living room looked. Some more pictures [as an addendum]:
Thanksgiving for Babeh! He had turkey [which he's holding], green beans, and candied yams. He was so happy.
I put my hat on Patrick to see what he'd do. He didn't really do anything, actually. He just sat there for a little bit and then took it off after a few seconds of struggling.
JD thought it'd be cute if he got Patrick a Santa hat, and he was right.
Christmas picture day at the daycare. It was 16 degrees that morning, so I also got to bundle him up. He looked so cute in his little cords and sweater. So so cute. In other news, Mr. Hsu and Chia-Huy got to the hotel probably right after I left. They talked to Cyndi, Jeff, Chris, probably all the managers who were there. No one called me and Yadida said no one called her last night, so I guess they got all the information they needed from them. No one called Adrian last night to tell him they were there, but someone [in the sales office, we're thinking] called him and told him there were there this morning. He called Cyndi and asked her why, and she told him something about them passing through to go to a funeral in Mexico or something. However, Mr. Hsu wanted to be there when Adrian and Randy [who's in on Adrian stealing the money and more than likely helping him along] got back from Dallas, and he really wanted the police to be there waiting for them since he's planning on pressing charges. Mr. Hsu told Cyndi he was 'cutting them loose' which we can only assume means firing/charging them both. And now we all know what to do if anyone else is cheating or stealing on our property. Of course, we were speculating after most of the talk went down between everyone and Mr. Hsu, if Cong wouldn't have gotten involved and started this whole process, it would never have happened. They would never have listened to only us, even if it were everyone on our property against Adrian, they wouldn't have believed us and we all know it. But whatever, what's done is done, and it will be a really merry Christmas for many of us.
Read 14 comments
Hey u probably dont remember me but my old Journal was slipknot9015
He is so cute.
Hahaha, I love the cute picture of him in the santa hat. I'd love to see him in my cat in the hat hat. It'd be funny.

he is so adorable. you guys are doing sucha great job with him, he looks really happy.

post the daycare pics if you get them, id love to see them.

i imagine he looks like a giant compared to the blanket now. as it should be.

oh my god, I love all the hat pictures, Ashley! They crack me up. Your little guy is getting so big. And all those teeth!! So adorable, I just wanna scoop him up and hug 'im.

Beautiful wrapping skillz there too. Mad good, yo.

ashley, your baby is amazing. you are such a good mother, and you and JD are the best parents patrick could want for, i'm sure of it. he is so adorable, i look forward to you posting pictures. he's gotten so big. you should def. post the pictures of the daycare christmas stuff if you get them. cheers, and merry christmas.
Aww, he's so adorable (: He looks like an angel.
your son is beautiful.
Woo Hoo!!!! You know I looooove the picture updates.
He is the cutest little fucker around.
Shit, I just called your child a fucker.
But I meant it affectionately and respectfully.
If that's possible.
Anyway, thanks for the smile.
Oh and did you finish Goblet yet??!?!?!?! We need to discuss it when you're done. Or you can at least told me what you thought.
Alright, see ya.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Patrick is such a sweetheart. He's gonna be the coolest kid in preschool.
oh that comment was me.. :b

Wow, I don't stop by this website often enough, but I'm glad I checked it out in time for Christmas pictures! Say hello to JD and Patrick for me.
awww patrick is soo cute and yes he did change...LoL
well merry crissmas to you :D

the thanksgiving one is my fav this time...