
Word of the Day: clepsydra So it's six thirty in the morning on a day I have off. Two hours ago, Patrick fell out of his bed and came into our room screaming [he's fine, by the way]. We calmed him down and put in back in bed, but he wouldn't go back to sleep. I hate when he does this, especially when I have a chance of sleeping in. I'm glaring at him right now, but he's laying on the couch watching the Disney Channel, so he's oblivious to the world. However, I'm glad he decided to like the Disney Channel opposed to those crappy Nick Jr shows. I loathe Dora the Explorer and Blue's Clues and all that crap. I don't like those shows that require audience participation, they annoy me. The Disney Channel does have two of those types of shows, but one has Mickey Mouse, who Patrick loooooves, and the other is about art and music, so I can't complain too much about that. Once again, we don't have a front desk manager at work. Beata got offered a general manager position working for a tiny property in Austin that she couldn't pass over. I've had a ton of people, employees and regular guests, ask me if I was going to be promoted and take over. I gave them a definite 'hellz no'. Besides, Yadida's leaving on Friday, and that leaves a space open in accounting. Theresa really wants me back there because she knows I'll help her out a lot more than Yadida has. I think it'll be three days in accounting and two days at the desk, but hopefully I can whittle that down to one or none eventually. Whatever, man, I'm just glad this finally happened. I really don't want to go through another phase at the desk where I'm sort of in charge but not really and people ask me to do everything. I told Muncie that I was going to pretend I didn't know anything apart from what people know I already know, which, after I thought about it, is quite a lot. Damn. I can only try. I don't think I mentioned that CJ's back in sales and is annoying as ever. Muncie's having problems at the desk with another employee, and she wants to move to sales to be their admin assistant. I told her when CJ first started, 'I'd rather work up here and take whatever I can than work down there with CJ, even if sweet Donna's there to make it a tad better. That's how bad she is.' But Muncie's determined, so I kind of feel bad for her. She seems like she can take a lot [it's taken her forever to talk to the managers about her problems at the desk], but damn, CJ is so annoying. All right, I have to wake up JD and make sure he gets to school on time. This is his last class before he graduates!!!!! Of course, it's a required PE class, and he decided to take bowling. How funny.
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I wish I could have taken a bowling class. I ended up taking some lame healthy living class, where we had a lecture and had to hand in weekly journals of our physicaly activity and diet.
i hate dora too. the kids i used to babysit looooved her and i'd always try to talk them out of watching it. never any luck. i hope everything a work sorts itself out. there's no PE requirement at cal poly slo but i still tried to get into the bowling class. it's only for 1 unit but it seems really fun.
wow, he's gonna graduate? What kind of job market does that put him in?
I'm back. thanks for the concern. :)